本文由体育爱好者Jennifer Collins投稿,除了,我们还提供了chinaSMACK 豆瓣,,,希望本文能为您找到想要的体育资讯。
1、Smack the ball 拍球
2、Taps 手指拨球
3、Ball wraps 绕球
3、Ball wraps 绕球
4、Pounds 大力运球
5、Low taps 手指低运球
6、High pounds 高大力运球
7、Around leg 低运球绕腿
8、Figure 8 低运球画“8”字
10、Side to side 单手体前变向控球
11、Front to back 单手前后控球
12、In and outs 单手内外控球
The Ricksha Boy是什么意思
【客观对应物】objective correlative
【客观批评】objective criticism
【科学幻想小说】science fiction; fantasic fiction
【《孔雀东南飞》】Southeast Fly the Peacocks
【口头流传】oral transimission
【口头文学传统】oral tradition
【《苦菜花》】Bitter Herb
【夸张】to exaggerate
【《狂人日记》】A Madman’s Diary
【《兰亭集序》】Preface to the Orchid Pavilion Collection
【浪漫主义悲剧】romantic tragedy
【浪漫主义批评理论】romantic criticism
【浪漫主义时期】romantic period
【《老残游记》】The Travels of Lao Can
【类型化人物】type character
【理论斗争】theoretical struggle
【理性时代】age of reason
【《礼记》】The Book of Rites; The Book of Ceremonies and Proper Conduct
【《李有才板话》】Rhymes of Li Youcai
【离奇故事】tall story
【《离骚》】Li Sao; The Lament; Encountering Sorrow
【历史小说】historical novel
【恋母情结】Oedipus plex
【连载小说】serial story
【联句】parallel phrases
【《聊斋志异》】Strange Tales of Liao-Zhai; Strange stories from a Chinese Studio;
【《列子》】The Works of Liezi
【《林海雪原》】Tracks in the Snow Forest
【《林家铺子》】The Shop of Lin Family
【《六十家小说》】Sixty Stories
【六言诗】poems in six-word verse
【《龙须沟》】Dragon Beard Ditch
【《陋室铭》】On My Modest Room
【鲁迅研究会】Society for the Study of Lu Xun
【《吕梁英雄传》】Heroes of the Lu Liang Mountain
【律赋】regulated prose-poem
【律诗】lushi; a poem of eight lines five or seven characters in each line
【伦理的批评】ethic criticism
【《论契合》】Degrees of Affinity: Studies in Comparative Literature
【论说文】argumentative prose
【《论语》】The Analects of Confucius; Analects
【《洛神赋》】On the Goddess of Luo River
【《骆驼祥子》】Camel Xiangzi; The Ricksha Boy
【马克思主义文学批评】Marxist criticism
【冒险小说】novel of adventures
【梦幻体】dream vision
【美学批评】aesthetic criticism
【朦胧诗】obscure poetry; “murky” poetry
【《孟子》】Mencius; The Book of Mencius; The Works of Mencius
【描写阴暗面】description on dark-side
【民间歌谣】popular ballad
【民间故事】folk tale; folklore
【民间文学】folk literature
【民族遗产】national legacy
【《墨池记》】The Ink Pond
【魔幻现实主义】magic realism
【木偶剧】pupppet show
【《牡丹亭》】The Peony Pavilion
【《呐喊》】Call to Arms
【《南腔北调集》】Mixed Dialects
【内容和形式的统一】unity of content and form
【内心独白】interior monologue
【浓厚的中国民族特色】rich Chinese national colour
【《女神》】The Goddesses
【《拍案惊奇》】Thumping the Table in Amagement at the Wonders; Amazing Stories
【《佩文韵府》】The Standard Phrase Dictionary
【批判地继承】to inherit in a critical way
【批判地吸收文学艺术遗产】to critically assimilate the legacies of literature and art
【皮影戏】shadow play
【《琵琶行》】Song of the Pipa
【骈琦派】School of Euphuism
【骈文】rhythmical prose characterized by parallelism and ornateness
【平仄】1. level and oblique tones
2. tonal patterns in classical Chinese poetry
【七绝】four-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict tonal pattern
and rhyme scheme
【七律】eight-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict tonal pattern
and rhyme scheme
【《七侠五义》】Seven Heroes and Five Gallants
【七言诗】poem with seven characters to a line
【强烈的生活气息】strong smack of everyday life
【《且介亭杂文》】Demi-Concession Studio Essays
【《青春之歌》】The Song of Youth
【《清明前后》】Before and After the Festival of Pure Brightness
【《清平山堂话本》】Vernacular Short Stories from the Clear and Peaceful Studio
【《情史》】A history of Love
【曲】qu ( a type of verse for singing, which emerged in the Southern Song and Jin
dynasties and became popular in the Yuan Dynasty )
【《屈原》】The Death of Qu Yuan
【《全宋词》】The Complete Ci-Poetry of the Song
【《全唐诗》】Complete Poetry of the Tang; Collected Tang poems
【《全唐文》】Complete Prose Works of the Tang
【《全相平话五种》】Five Completely Illustrated Pinghua
【《全相古今小说》】Illustrated Stories Anicent and Modern
【全知的观点】omniscient point of view
【《热风》】Hot Air
【人物素描】the character
【人物突出】(with) characters that stand out
【《容斋随笔》】Miscellaneous Notes from the Tolerant Studio
【《儒林外史》】The Scholars; Unofficial History of Officialdom; Unofficial History
about the Scholars as a Class
【《三国演义》】Romance of the Three Kingdoms; Three Kingdoms
【《三国志》】Annals of the Three Kingdoms; History of the Three Kingdoms
【《三家巷》】The Alley of the Three Families
【三苏】The Three Su
【三突出】three standouts (the formula for literary and art creations during the
Cultural Revolution with positive characters standing out from all the
characters, the main heroic characters standing out from the positive
characters, and a most important central character standing out from the main
heroic characters )
【《三侠五义》】Three Heroes and Five Gallants
【《三闲集》】Three Leisures
【三言二拍】San Yan Er Pai; the popular short stories collected by Feng Menglong and
Ling Menchu
【《三字经》】Three Character Classic
【散曲】a type of verse popular in the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, with tonal
patterns modelled on tunes drawn from folk music
【散文诗】prose poetry
【骚人墨客】poet and man of letters
【骚体】poetry in the style of Li Sao
【色情文学】erotic literature
【《莎菲女士日记》】The Diary of Miss Sha Fei
【《山歌》】Folk Songs
【《山海经》】The Classic of Mountains and Rivers; Book of Mountains and Seas
【山药蛋派】Patato School
【《山乡巨变》】Great Changes in a Mountain Village
【伤痕文学】literature of the wounded; “scar” literature ( literary works reflecting
the scars inflicted on people’s psyches by the Cultural Revolution)
【《上海屋檐下》】Under the Eaves in Shanghai
【少数民族文学】literature of national minorities
【社会风俗小说】novel of manners
【社会小说】social novel
【社会主义现实主义】socialist realism
【神话批评】myth criticism
【神韵】romantic charm
【《诗经》】The Odes; The Book of Songs; The Book of Odes Classic of Poetry
【《诗品》】Critique of Poetry
【《诗人玉屑》】Jade Splinter of Poets
【诗书画合而为一】bination of poetry, calligraphy and painting in one
【诗仙】poetic genius
【《十二楼》】Twelve Towers
【《十三经》】Thirteen Classics
【时代精神】spirit of the age
【时代思潮】current thought
【《蚀》】The Canker
【《史记》】Shi Ji; Historical Records; Redords of the Grand History of China; Records
of the Historian
【史传小说】biographical novels and novelettes
【市井歌谣】broadside ballad
【《世说新语》】New Aounts of Old Episodes; New Anecdotes of Social Talk
【视角】point of view
【《书经》】The Book of History; The Book of Documents
【书信体小说】epistolary novel
【抒情歌剧】lyric theater
【抒情诗】lyric poem
【抒情文学】lyric literature
【双重人格】double personality
【双重生活】double life
【《水浒传》】The Water Margin; All Men Are Brothers; The Outlaws of the Marsh
【《说文解字》】Analytical Dictionary of Characters; Explanation and Study of Principles
of Composition of Characters
【《四库全书》】Complete Library of Four Branches of Books; Complete Library in the Four
Branches of Literature
【《四世同堂》】Four Generations under One Roof
【”四书”】The Four Books
【四言诗】a type of classical poem with four characters to a line
【《搜神记》】Stories of Immortals
【俗文学】folk literature