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贝尔法斯特女王大学在2013/14QS世界大学排名上位居英国第27位,世界第172位[1] ;在英国官方每七年左右发布一次的科研水平评估(REF[2] )排名中,贝尔法斯特女王大学综合排在全英第19,为英国Top20强校。在高等教育品质保障局的教学品质评估中,女王大学三分之二以上科目的教学品质被评为“非常优秀”。
Belfast was initially built on trade through Belfast Harbour. Later, industry contributed to its growth, particularly shipbuilding and linen. At the beginning of the 20th century Belfast was both the largest producer of linen in the world and also boasted the world’s largest shipyard. civil unrest crippled the city’s industry for many years but with the recent republican and loyalist ceasefires, and the St Andrews Agreement in 2006, the city’s economy is thriving once again.
History of the economy 贝尔法斯特经济历史
When the population of Belfast town began to grow in the seventeenth century, its economy was built on merce.[3] It provided a market for the surrounding countryside and the natural inlet of Belfast Lough gave the city its own port. The port supplied an avenue for trade with the mainland and later Europe and North America. In the mid-seventeenth century, Belfast exported beef, butter, hides, tallow and corn and it imported coal, cloth, wine, brandy, paper, timber and tobao.[3] Around this time, the linen trade in Northern Ireland blossomed and by the middle of the eighteenth century, one fifth of all the linen exported from Ireland was shipped from Belfast.[3]. The present city however is a product of the Industrial Revolution.[4] It was not until industry transformed the linen and shipbuilding trades that the economy and the population boomed. By the turn of the nieenth century, Belfast had transformed into the largest linen producing centre in the world[1], earning the nickname “Linenopolis”.
当小镇的人口开始增长在十七世纪的时候,它是建立在经济贸易。它提供了对周围的村庄和天然的进口的市场,根据自己城市的港口.这个港口不仅提供了与中国大陆的贸易,由来又有和欧洲和北美的贸易。在十七世纪中叶,贝尔法斯特出口牛肉、黄油、皮革、牛油、玉米和它进口煤炭、布料、酒、白兰地、造纸、木材、烟草。在这个时候,麻贸易在北爱尔兰蓬勃发展.在18世纪,五分之一的爱尔兰亚麻布从贝尔法斯特出口。现在的城市是一个工业革命的产物。经济和人口得到蓬勃发展是从产业转变成麻、造船行业之后。到在十九世纪,贝尔法斯特已转变成了一个最大的亚麻生产中心,并在在世界上取得了 Linenopolis”的称号。
Belfast harbour was dredged in 1845 to provide deeper berths for larger ships. Donegall Quay was built out into the river as the harbour was developed further and trade flourished.[5] The Harland and Wolff shipbuilding firm was created in 1861 and by the time the Titanic was built in Belfast in 1912, they boasted the largest shipyard in the world.[2]
贝尔法斯特港口在1845年竣工,它提供了一个更大的船舶停泊泊位.Donegall 码头在原有的基础上扩建,其促进了贸易的进一步的发展. 哈兰德和沃尔夫造船公司成立于1861年.在1912年,泰坦尼克在贝尔斯特建造,引以为荣的成为了世界上最大的船厂.
The rise of mass-produced and cotton clothing following World War I were some of the factors which led to the decline of Belfast’s international linen trade.[1] Like many British cities dependent on traditional heavy industry, Belfast suffered serious decline since the 1960s, exacerbated greatly in the 1970s and 1980s by the civil unrest of The Troubles. More than 100,000 manufacturing jobs have been lost since the 1970s.[6]. For several decades, Northern Ireland’s fragile economy required significant public support from the British exchequer of up to GB£4 billion per year.[6] Ongoing sectarian violence made it difficult for Belfast to pete with Ireland’s Celtic Tiger economy, with Dublin producing some 70bn Euro GDP annually.
一次世界大战对于大量棉麻衣服的上升等因素导致了贝尔法斯特国际棉麻贸易的减少.像大多数英国城市一样,由于依靠贸易工业的影响,贝尔发斯特从1960年后遭受了严重的重创,并且加重了北爱尔兰的民族冲突.从1970年后,超过10万人在生产工业失业. 几十年来,北爱尔兰的脆弱的经济需要从英国财政部下划约每年 40亿英镑的支助。
Current economy 现在经济
However, the IRA Ceasefire in 1995 and the signing of the Good Friday Agreement in 1998 have given investors increased confidence to invest in Belfast. This has led to a period of sustained economic growth and large-scale redevelopment of the city centre. New developments include Victoria Square, the Cathedral Quarter, and the Laganside with the new Odyssey plex and the landmark Waterfront Hall.
Two other major developments will see the regeneration of the Titanic Quarter, and the erection the Obel Tower, a skyscraper set to be the tallest tower on the island until eclipsed by the U2 Tower in Dublin.[7] In 2007, Belfast’s launched its vision for a World Trade Centre (currently a ‘virtual’ centre but with plans to bee a physical building) which aims to promote the city to the international business market.
Today, Belfast is Northern Ireland’s educational and mercial hub. It is now in the five fastest growing regional economies in the UK. In February 2006, Belfast’s unemployment rate stood at 4.2%, lower than both the Northern Ireland and the UK average of 5.5%. Over the past 10 years employment has grown by 16.4 per cent, pared with 9.2 per cent for the UK as a whole.
Northern Ireland’s peace dividend has also led to soaring property prices in the city. In 2006, Belfast saw house prices grow by 43%, the fastest rate of growth in the UK. In March 2007, the average house in Belfast cost GB£191,819, with the average in South Belfast being GB£241,000. In 2004, Belfast had the lowest owner oupation rate in Northern Ireland at 54%.
“贝尔法斯特”来自爱尔兰语“Béal Feirste”, 意即流经该地的“法斯特河(Farset River)的河口”。但时至今日,此河已隐没在布里奇街(Bridge Street)之下,拉甘河(Lagan River)成为当地最重要的河流。
值得留意的是,与其他英国都市不同,贝尔法斯特并没有一个独立的行政区,而是位于安特里姆郡(County Antrim)和唐郡(County Down)两者之间。