学校的英语怎么读(小学英语口语朗读《School li
School library.mp31:54来自超人老师
This is our school library. It’s a busy place. It’s open from 8:30 to 11:30 in the morning and from 2:30 to 4:30 in the afternoon.
Our school library isn’t very big. Only three assistants work there.
In the library we can find all kinds of books, but few of them are in English. We often e here and borrow or return books after class.
When we borrow books, we must obey the library rules. We can borrow only one book at a time and keep it for two weeks. If we can’t finish it in time, we may e and renew it.
There’s a reading-room in the library. It’s bright and clean. We can read magazines and newspapers there, but we can’t take any of them out.
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