The first thing to get up every morning is not to want to go to work, and then go to work obediently.
It's really dispensable to work, but if I don't work, I'm going to drink everything.
People who always say they don't want to work, do they raise pigs at home? How else can he get the confidence?
When the alarm clock rings in the morning, 500 reasons for asking for leave appear in my mind, but none of them is reliable.
Going to work is like a marriage in the old days. It's not happy, but we have to stay together.
I suggested to my boss that we should reduce our working hours a little, so my boss asked me to stay and work overtime tonight.
I feel that my character is not suitable for work, only for salary, but this kind of scene is only met in my dream.
I knew there was such a thing as going to work in the world. At the beginning, I didn't go down to earth even if I was killed.
Going to work is a kind of breathing pain, which spreads to every part of my body.
What does it mean to die, no matter how the boss treats me? I'm not going to quit.
Everyone said to be happy at work, work 12 hours a day, you happy to give me a try.
Although I am sometimes late for work every day, I always get off work on time.
With a word to describe the state of my work, work every year, worry every day, overtime like a monkey.
I don't know why, I go to work to earn money, but I still can't get rid of the fate of poverty after working for so many years.
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