f1赛车 2022-11-28 15:49www.1689878.com赛车比赛
FIrstly, we should wait for them at the gate around the fixed time to display that we emphasize on the meeting with them. Secondly, we should show thanks for their ing all the way here.
- Its an honor and a privilege to receive a visitor from such a distinguished group.
- I'm proud and honored to have such distinguished guests from New York. It’s our pleasure to meet all of you here.
- We would like to thank you for ing to visit our pany.
- During your 3 days visit to our pany, our staff and employees will do their best to make your visit fortable, meaningful and worthwhile. If you have any problem, you can tell us.
- 您来我们公司参观的三天中,我们全体员工将尽我们最大努力让您的旅行舒适,有意义且充实。如果您有任何问题的话,尽管告诉我们。
- Today our sales manager will introduce you to our brand-new pany buildings and workshops. In the evening, we will hold a dinner to wele you. The next two days’ schedules, you can refer to the agenda. Please dont hesitate to ask questions you may have.
- 今天我们的销售部经理将带您去我们的新办公楼和车间参观。晚上,我们将为您举行一次欢迎晚宴。两天的安排您可以参看日程安排。如有任何问题,请尽管提出来。
- On our way to your reserved hotel by our pany, i want to give you a brief introduction of our pany. On the first floor of our main building, there is a large business center, where some advertisements of our products and the history of our pany will be displayed. Besides, there are also ten private offices which can be rented by our guests. Each office has puter with broadband inter connection, a telephone and a fax machine.
- 在去我们公司为您预订的宾馆途中,我想给您简短的介绍一下我们公司的情况。我们主楼的第一层,是一个大型的商务中心,这里展示了我们公司的历史遗迹一些产品的宣传海报。我们还有十间私人办公室可供客户租赁。没见办公室都配有宽带网接口,电话和传真机。
- Also we have an excellent secretary with good language skill will be available for you. If you need, a qualified interpreter will also be arranged for you.
- 我们为您准备了一位语言熟练的优秀秘书。如果需要,我们还可以为您安排一位专业口译人员。
- We have five large meeting rooms, each of which can be suitable for at least 80 people.
- 我们有五间大会议室,每间会议室都可以容纳至少80 人。
- In your hotel, there is a big hall which can be used for buffets or dinner party, depending on what you need.
- 在您所住的宾馆有个大厅,可以做自助餐厅或者举办餐会,视您的需要而定。
- For shopping and entertainment, can you see the hotel now? Going along this street about three blocks, you will arrive at the downtown of our city. There are some famous shopping malls which sell international goods. And in their basements, a swimming pool, fitness centers and other recreational centers will be found.
- 购物娱乐的话,您看到宾馆了吧?顺着这条街一直走三个街区,就会到达市中心。那里有一些著名的购物商厦,出售国际商品。在这些购物商厦的地下,有游泳池,健身中心和其他娱乐中心。
- Look we have arrived at the hotel. Let me helpp you to get your baggage to your room.
- 我们到宾馆了,我帮您把行李拿到房间吧。
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