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传奇限量版动力较普通版没有区别,全部采用了独特的色彩搭配。布加迪威速16.4GrandSportVitesse在2012年春季推出,并于2013年4月以408.84公里的最高时速,荣升为目前全球速度最快的敞篷版超级跑车。其所搭载的8升W16发动机,最大功率可达1200匹马力,峰值扭矩可达惊人的1500牛·米(3000-5000转/分),仅2.6秒即可完成从静止加速至100公里/小时。 值勒芒24小时耐力赛迎来90周年之际,布加迪“Les Légendes de Bugatti”传奇限量版车型以赛车手Jean-Pierre Wimille的名字来命名。Jean-Pierre Wimille在赛车运动发展史上的地位举足轻重,并与布加迪公司发展紧密相连,曾助力布加迪两度问鼎勒芒赛事。这款布加迪Jean-Pierre Wimille传奇限量版车型定于2013年8月16日在美国圆石滩车展上首发。这款布加迪Jean-PierreWimille传奇限量版车型得名于曾为布加迪摘得两次勒芒24小时耐力赛桂冠的传奇赛车手:1937年,Jean-PierreWimille与RobertBenoist搭档,驾驶着布加迪57GTank勇夺冠军头衔;1939年,他与PierreVeyron合作驾驶57CTank,成功卫冕。
全新Jean-PierreWimille传奇限量版车型的设计灵感源自于1937年在勒芒赛事中拔得头筹的布加迪赛车。在这场具有历史意义的角逐中,布加迪57GTank被喷涂以代表法国赛车的经典蓝色。该车采用经典蓝色清漆喷涂的碳纤维材料,车身其他部分则被饰以WimilleBleu浅蓝色。内饰沿用了与外观相同的色彩搭配,布加迪汽车首席设计师AchimAnscheidt解释道:“传奇限量版车型从材料选择、配色方案到细节设计,无一不沿袭布加迪经典车型的设计精髓,我们希望藉此向驾驭过这些超凡座驾的品牌传奇人物们致敬。基于这样的目的,布加迪传奇限量版车型传承经典品牌元素的同时,融入了现代感十足的设计语言,兼具卓然超凡的运动性能与奢华感受。传奇限量版车型诞生,是对布加迪品牌历史的最佳演绎。 布加迪在第65届法兰克福国际车展全球首发第二款传奇限量版车型,以此纪念公司创始人艾托里·布加迪(EttoreBugatti)之子及其所打造的传奇座驾布加迪Type57SCAtlantic。JeanBugatti传奇限量版车型全球仅限量发售3台。布加迪推出JeanBugatti传奇限量版车型,向20世纪汽车史上的这位英雄人物致敬。让·布加迪(JeanBugatti)是布加迪公司创始人艾托里·布加迪的长子,也是他四个孩子中最具设计天赋的一个。20世纪20年代后期,让·布加迪在车身结构与设计理念等领域所展现的卓越才华,对布加迪公司的发展产生了日益深远的重要影响。1936年,27岁的让·布加迪正式接手管理布加迪汽车;1939年,不幸遭遇车祸英年早逝。在其短暂而辉煌的一生中,让·布加迪凭借领先时代的引擎和底盘设计理念,以及对于车身架构的独特理解,奠定了其在汽车业界不可撼动的传奇地位。
在JeanBugatti传奇限量版车型的研发过程中,布加迪的设计师们全心致力于延续前代经典车型Type57SCAtlanticLaVoitureNoire的独特设计理念。车身由深黑色清漆喷涂的碳纤维材料包覆,彰显优雅灵动的设计语言与尖端先进的工程技术水平。布加迪标志性的马蹄形前散热器格栅与车尾的EB车标由稀有铂金装饰而成,为车辆外观注入尊贵奢华的元素。这也是布加迪首次在其现代车型的车身外观设计上应用这种稀有材质。激光焊制在油箱及油箱盖上的北极灰JeanBugatti签名字样,亦是标识这款同名传奇限量版车型的一大专属特征。车辆内饰完全采用皮革包覆。在内饰色彩搭配上,运用了与Type57SCAtlantic一致的米色与棕色配色原则;座椅、控制面板、方向盘、仪表盘、中控台、车门饰板以及挡风玻璃横梁则采用巧克力色装饰。巧克力色与贯穿整个中控台的浅米色皮饰形成鲜明对比。相同的装饰风格延伸至腿部空间、车门外饰板及车门拉手凹槽处。装饰性缝线的颜色与皮革颜色相辅相成。 布加迪所推出的第四款传奇限量版车型,已在2014年3月的日内瓦车展公开亮相。该车是纪念布加迪创始人Ettore Bugatti(1881-1947)最小的弟弟RembrandtBugatti(1884-1916)。按照惯例,布加迪这款传奇限量版全球限量三台,售价达到218万欧元。Rembrandt Bugatti在其短暂的一生,共创作了300多件铜雕和绘画 作品,被认为是20世纪初杰出的雕塑家,也可以看作是布加迪家族艺术表现力的代表人物。
布加迪Rembrandt Bugatti传奇限量版外观大量使用古铜色的碳纤维材料,以反映雕塑家创作时使用的材料,尤其是车身下部和轮辋,采用了浅棕色以追求复古的元素。车内后排座椅之间的“跳舞的大象”铜雕则是点睛之处,是Rembrandt Bugatti的代表作。此外,在油封盖还有RembrandtBugatti的个人签名。 2014年4月,布加迪官方宣布,将于北京车展全球首发布加迪Black Bess传奇限量版。这是布加迪所发布的第五款传奇限量版车型,全球仅发售3台。 与此前预测的不同,此次布加迪推出的传奇限量版车型是为了纪念经典的布加迪Type 18车型,它是布加迪在一战前最为重要的代表车型之一。布加迪Type 18搭载直列四缸5.0L发动机,最大功率超过74kW(100PS),最高时速160km/h,在当时算是超级战车。在本届北京车展上,Type 18“Black Bess”车型将与布加迪Black Bess传奇限量版一同亮相展台。
布加迪Black Bess传奇限量版将基于布加迪威龙Grand Sport Vitesse进行打造。外观方面新车以黑色为主色调,辅以金色拉花涂装进行搭配,同时前进气格栅边框和尾部EB车标采用金色材质。此外,新车的油箱盖上还刻有“Black Bess”专属铭牌。内饰方面,新车内饰以棕色和白色相搭配,换挡杆和中控台板采用红木装饰,两侧门板上的皮革装饰上描绘了经典的Type 18“Black Bess”车型,以及罗兰·加洛斯(RolandGarros)先生曾驾驶过的飞机“Morane Saulnier Type H”的图案。座舱后部储物箱盖上绘制有布加迪Type 18“Black Bess”车型并镶嵌金色EB标识。布加迪Black Bess传奇限量版搭载的是一台8.0升W16发动机,最大功率1200马力,峰值扭矩1500牛·米。匹配的是7速双离合变速箱,该车的0-100km/h加速时间仅为2.6秒,极速可达408.84km/h。 布加迪以创始人Ettore Bugatti来命名第六款,也是最后一款布加迪传奇限量版车型。和传奇限量版其它一样,布加迪Ettore Bugatti传奇限量版基于布加迪威龙16.4 Grand Sport Vitesse打造。这款车搭载了一台8升W16引擎,0~100公里/每小时只需2.6秒,最高时速可以达到408公里/每小时。
Ettore Bugatti传奇限量版的设计灵感来源于Ettore Bugatti的经典之作Type 41 Royale,用以纪念创始人对打造不平凡车辆的热情。

关于网球名将 沙拉波娃

姓名:莎拉波娃(Maria Sharapova)


Maria’s schedule for the first half of 2012 is now available. Maria is scheduled to play twelve tournaments and will be playing four events for the first time.

Here is the schedule:

January 1
Brisbane International
Brisbane, Australia
Hardcourts, Outdoors

January 16
Australian Open
Melbourne, Australia
Hardcourts, Outdoors

February 4
Fed Cup vs Spain
Moscow, Russia
Hardcourts, Indoors

February 6
Paris, France
Hardcourts, Indoors

March 5
BNP Paribas Showdown
New York, USA
Hardcourts, Indoors
Exhibition match against Caroline Wozniacki

March 7
BNP Paribas Open
Indian Wells, USA
Hardcourts, Outdoors

March 20
Sony Ericsson Open
Miami, USA
Hardcourts, Outdoors

April 23
Porsche Tennis Grand Prix
Stuttgart, Germany
Clay, Indoors

May 5
Mutua Madrid Open
Madrid, Spain
Clay, Outdoors

May 14
Internazionali BNL d’Italia
Rome, Italy
Clay, Outdoors

May 27
Roland Garros
Paris, France
Clay, Outdoors

June 25
London, UK
Grass, Outdoors

July 28
London, UK
Grass, Outdoors




请给我一篇介绍 萨芬 的英文文章。

Marat Safin

was born in Moscow on 27th January 1980 to Misha and Rausa Islanova. It has been said that Marat Safin is a born champion. His mother, Rausa, was a former 10 Russian player who used to take baby Marat with her when she practiced at the local Spartak club, which was managed by his father, Mikhail. Marat began to play tennis at the age of 6. Rausa served as her son’s coach from ages 6 to 13.
At the age of 13, with the training facilities and opportunities in Russia almost non-existent, Marat and his mother visited a tennis academy in Valencia. There they met Maria Pasqual, former director of Spanish women?s tennis, who was asked to assess his potential. Pasqual recognized the enormous natural talent of the young Marat and persuaded a wealthy Swiss client into sponsoring Marat and keeping him at the academy.

So, at the age of 14, Marat left home to travel to Spain. All alone, Marat was faced with the prospect of learning a new language and honing his tennis skills in a foreign land. Over the next 4 years, Marat trained in Valencia under the guidance of Pasqual and Rafael Mensua. During this time, Marat learned to speak Spanish fluently, and it is one of the three languages that he speaks.

In 1997 Marat moved more than 200 ranking positions with an 11-5 match record in Challenger play. He won his first title in Espinho, and soon afterwards turned pro. Marat made his Pro Tour debut at the Kremlin Cup in Moscow, losing to Carlsen in the 1st round.

In 1998 Marat grabbed the attention of the game’s best as well as the sponsors when he stormed into Roland Garros and upset Andre Agassi in the first round. He then went on to take out the defending champion Gustavo Kuerten in the next round before eventually losing to Cedric Pioline in the fourth round. He also made his first tour semifinal in Long Island and reached the fourth round of the US Open where he lost to Pete Sampras. By the end of the year, Safin had gained nearly 150 ranking spots and had finished the year in the Top 50. Marat was named the RADO Player to watch for 1998.

His upward climb continued during his second year on tour. In 1999, he was the No. 2 Russian (behind world No. 2 Kafelnikov). Marat won his first ATP title in Boston defeating Greg Rusedski while only dropping one set in five matches. He was also one of three teenagers (Ferrero, Hewitt) to win an ATP title during year. Marat helped Russia to the Davis Cup SF by winning fifth and decisive matches in 1st round and quarterfinal ties.

In February, Marat advanced to back-to-back semifinals in St. Petersburg and Rotterdam. During the clay court circuit, he advanced to the 4th round at Roland Garros for the second straight year and in August, made it to the semifinal in Amsterdam.

During the European indoor circuit in November, he reached his first TMS final in Paris with wins over No. 5 Kuerten, Courier (QF) and Chang (SF) before losing to Andre Agassi in four sets. He has also reached the last 16 round of 3 of the 5 Grand Slams he participated in. All of these acplishments saw Marat reach the 25 ranking for the first time in his career.

The year 2000 was both up and downhill for Marat. After a less than promising start that was highlighted by a few difficulties, Marat turned his year around with back-to-back titles in Barcelona and Mallorca. By this time he was working with former Top 10 Andrei Chesnokov as a coach. Like with all thrill rides, Marat made a quick and stunning run along the circuit and in a very brief time had captured his first Tennis Masters Series title in Toronto, and made the final in Indianapolis. His coaching carousel began with the subsequent hiring and firing of two more coaches, Alexander Volkov and Tony Pickard.

The highlight of Marat’s young career came weeks later when he won his first Grand Slam title at the US Open, where he demolished former champion Pete Sampras in the final.

The following week he made the long journey to Tashkent and only dropped one set in five matches. He became first player to win an ATP title the following week of a Grand Slam title since Ivan Lendl in 1985. He continued his strong play by winning the TMS Paris title, defeating Philippoussis in a 3 hour 29 minute marathon.

Marat’s training on the red clay of Spain was paying off as he was one of four players to win at least 25 matches on clay (25-9) and hard (36-15) courts. He led the ATP in aces (921).

Marat let the ATP with seven titles and held the number 1 ranking spot for a short time. He became youngest player to finish No. 2 since 19-year-old Boris

Becker in 1986… He also became first player under age of 21 to win at least seven titles in a season since Mats Wilander. He led ATP in singles matches won (73), finals reached (9) and was second in singles matches played (100).

He entered his first Tennis Masters Cup in Lisbon with a 75-point lead in ATP Champions Race over Kuerten and was twice within one victory of being youngest year-end No. 1. He was named ATP Most Improved Player of Year and named 2000 Newer of the Year at Laureus World Sports Awards in Monte Carlo.

2001 was another year of ups and downs. Marat started strong with a 4th round in the Australian Open and a final in Dubai. However, a back injury cramped Safin’s play and set him back for 3 months. He began working with former No. 1 Mats Wilander at this time. He made his turnaround at All England Club where he reached his first QF, losing to eventual champion Goran Ivanisevic in four thrilling sets. Marat then reached the semi-finals at the US Open and suessfully defended his titles in Tashkent and St. Petersburg. He finished 2001 just outside the Top Ten at No. 11.

After a disappointing and injury plagued 2001, Marat came into the new year of 2002 ready to rumble. He pounded his way to the Australian Open final, beating Pete Sampras and Tommy Haas along the way, but he stumbled in the final, losing to Thomas Johansson. The final was played on Marat’s 22nd birthday, but despite the disappointing loss, he gave one of his famous witty speeches and the Swedish fans even sang happy birthday to him.

During the clay court circuit, Marat reached the final of TMS Hambürg without dropping a set, before losing to Roger Federer. He continued his strong play at Roland Garros where he reached the semifinal for the first time before losing to Ferrero. Marat struggled in the next two Grand Slam tournaments, losing in the 2nd RD at Wimbledon and the US Open. His relationship with Mats Wilander ended in the middle of this year and Marat began working with his manager, Amit Naor, and his good friend Denis Golovanov, as coaches. Eventually Naor sped travelling with Marat but his relationship with him continues, just not as a coach.

Marat managed to salvage another disappointing year with a win over the world’s number 1 player Lleyton Hewitt at the TMS Paris. Given a newfound confidence, he went on to lead Russia to their first ever Davis Cup victory. He again was one of the 8 players in the world to reach the Tennis Masters Cup in Shanghai.

In 2003, Marat finished out of Top 50 for first time since 1997. His play was limited to 13 tournaments after suffering throughout the season with a left wrist injury.

In 2004, the No. 1 Russian battled back from an injury-riddled 2003 season to finish in the Top 4 for third time in five years. He won three ATP titles, including two ATP Masters Series shields, and reached two other finals. Marat was the runner up to Roger Federer in the Australian Open, losing in straight sets after gruelling victories over Andre Agassi and Andy Roddick.

After the unexpected final appearance at the Australian Open, Safin’s eback took another turn for the worse, with early round losses throughout the summer, including a first round loss at the US Open to Thomas Enqvist.

Safin took on a new coach, Peter Lundgren late in 2004. He went on to win the title in Beijing followed by wins in Madrid and Paris TMS events. Safin managed to pull his ranking up from No. 86 to finish the year No. 4 in the world, making his fourth appearance in the Tennis Masters Cup in Houston.

2005 started out great with Marat finally winning his long awaited second Grand Slam title in Australia. After taking out the defending Champion Roger Federer in the semi-final, Safin went on to take the title from Australia’s own Lleyton Hewitt.

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