wavin flag 歌词,wavin the flag,wavin flag歌曲,waving flag翻

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那位朋友有2010南非世界杯主题曲Wavin Flag歌词如题 谢谢了

2010南非世界杯主题曲《飘扬的旗帜(Wavin’Flag)》 歌曲。中文歌词:“看,殖民者是如何对待我们,让我们为了信仰而斗争,但最终换来的却是他们的欺骗。他们想要完全地控制我们,但他们无法这么做,因为我们就像是布法罗的斗士,一直在前进,在为了生存而斗争,这样我们终会获得自由。”………………….以下是 歌词 原文:(意大利语) Artisti del calibro di Ricky Martin e Gianna Nannini hanno fatto la loro fortuna scrivendo e cantando canzoni pensate appositamente per celebrare i mondiali di calcio. Questa volta la FIFA ha deciso di assegnare l’arduo pito ad Akon: il cantante a quanto pare avrebbe già aettato la richiesta e sembra quindi ormai certa anche la sua presenza alla cerimonia di apertura della manifestazione sportiva che si terrà nell’estate del 2010 nella Repubblica Sudafricana. Akon ha dichiarato che per questo progetto non ha assolutamente intenzione di ingaggiare alcun calciatore e li invita caldamente a fare il loro lavoro. In merito dice: “i calciatori devono giocare a calcio!”. Luca Toni si sarà offeso per questa esternazione? Ne dubitiamo. Noi nel frattempo ci godiamo l’estate che sta per arrivare; quel che aadrà l’anno prossimo è cosa ancora lontana!

2010南非世界杯主题曲Waving flag 中文翻译歌词

Give me freedom, give me fire, give me reason, take me higher
See the champions, take the field now, you define us, make us feel proud
In the streets are, exaliftin , as we lose our inhibition,
Celebration its around us, every nations, all around us
Singin forever young, singin songs underneath that sun
Lets rejoice in the beautiful game.
And together at the end of the day.
When I get older I will be stronger
They’ll call me freedom Just like a wavin’ flag
And then it goes back
And then it goes back
And then it goes back


《Live It Up》

《Live It Up》是2018年俄罗斯世界杯主题曲 ,由美国音乐制作人迪波洛(Diplo)制作 、威尔·史密斯、尼基·詹姆、埃拉·伊斯特莱菲等三位国际明星将加盟并献唱。

TiWaka Waka

2010年南非世界杯的主题曲,是由Je Drexl作词,Je Drexl作曲,Shakira演唱的歌曲,国际足联主席布拉特表示,“世界杯的球迷们,对于主题曲的关注度不亚于世界杯的吉祥物和标识,它同样也是这项令人激动的体育赛事的重要组成部分。此曲运用了充满非洲特色的节奏,来呈现这项重大的赛事。我非常期待能在世界杯的比赛中听到它,并且在闭幕式上看到夏奇拉与Freshlyground的精彩表演。

Wavin' Flag(旗帜飘扬)

随着2010年世界杯分档的推出,可口可乐公司也公布了2010南非世界杯的主题推广歌主题歌,一首叫做《飘扬的旗帜(Wavin' Flag)》的歌曲,演唱者为 31岁的歌手克南(K'naan),这首歌曲拥有众多不同版本,其中克南与张学友、张靓颖一起演唱的国语版又名《旗开得胜》。


《生命之杯》成为在法国举办的1998年世界杯足球赛的官方主题曲,在法国和世界各地的许多国家高居音乐排行榜的首位。这是一首经典 的世界杯主题曲,1998 年世界杯主题曲之一,演唱者是瑞奇·马汀。这首歌选自他1998年专辑《让爱继续》(Vuelve),并获得全球30个国家单曲排行的冠军,也是1998年法国世界杯的另一首主题曲。




主题曲是夏奇拉演唱的 waka waka 而宣传曲是索马里裔加拿大歌手柯南(K'Naan)创作并演唱的《旗开得胜》《'Wavin' Flag》这首比较有名可口可乐广告主题曲 很多地方经常听到!




2010年足球世界杯宣传曲,由索马里裔歌手柯南(K’Naan)创作并演唱的《旗帜飘扬(’Wavin’ Flag)》。

谁有waving flag原版的英文歌词,必须无语法错误!!

waving flag
when i get older
i will be stronger
they’ll call me freedom
just like a waving flag
when i get older
i will be stronger
they’ll call me freedom
just like a waving flag
and then it goes back
ahhho ahhho ahhho
born to a throne
stronger than rome
but violent prone
poor people zone
but its my home
all i have known
where i got grown
streets we would roam
out of the darkness
i came the farthest
among the hardest survive
learn form these streets
it can be bleak
aept no defeet
surrender retreat
(so we struggling)
fighting to eat
(and we wondering)
when we will be free
so we patiently wait
for that faithful day
its not far away
but for now we say
when i get older
i will be stronger
they’ll call me freedom
just like a waving flag
and then it goes back
ahhho ahhho ahhho
so many wars
settling scores
bring us promises
leaving us poor
i heard them say
love is the way
love is the answer
that’s what they say
but look how they treat us
make us believers
we fight there battles
then they deceive us
try to control us
they couldn’t hold us
cause we just move forward
like buffalo soldiers
(but we strugglin)
fighting to eat
(and we wondering)
when we will be free
so we patiently wait
for that faithfully day
its not far away
but for now we say
when i get older
i will be stronger
they’ll call me freedom
just like a waving flag
and then it goes back
when i get older
i will be stronger
they’ll call me freedom
just like a waving flag
and then it goes back
ahhhooo ahhhoooo ahhhooo
and everybody will be singing it
and you and i will be singing it
and we all will be singing it
wo wah wo ah wo ah
when i get older
i will be stronger
they’ll call me freedom
just like a waving flag
and then it goes back
when i get older
i will be stronger
they’ll call me freedom
just like a waving flag
and then it goes back
ahho ahho ahho
when i get older
when i get older
i will be stronger
just like a waving flag
flag flag
just like a waving flag

随着2010年世界杯分档的推出,可口可乐公司也公布了2010南非世界杯的主题推广歌主题歌。一首叫做《飘扬的旗帜(Wavin’Flag)》的歌曲。演唱者为 31岁的歌手克南(K’naan),他出生在索马里的一个艺术之家,由于国内局势动荡,13岁随家人移居加拿大,但他仍然心系索马里,创作的很多歌曲都和索马里局势相关。该歌曲拥有众多不同版本,其中克南与张学友、张靓颖一起演唱的国语版又名《旗开得胜》。

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