运动比赛用英语怎么说(雅思口语P1高分素材 | 运

游泳技巧 2022-11-27 16:38www.1689878.com游泳池







今天,给大家分享1个雅思口语Part 1高频话题的高分语料,这个话题今年8月在雅思考场上出现过

- IELTS Speaking Part 1 -



Do you like sports?

No, not really. I’m not into sports and to be honest, I have quite a sedentary lifestyle. Although many people I know seem to excel in playing ubiquitous and popular sports in China, like Ping Pong and badminton, I gotta admit I’ve been a total failure in all sorts of sports since my childhood.

For instance, when playing badminton, I always end up being the one that constantly picks up the birdy, I guess I just have poor eye-to-hand coordination, I’m just not able to hit it. So no, I don’t like sports, mind you, I do like riding my bike.

Do you watch sports events?

As I said, I don't like sports. And so, I’m not a fan of watching sports events, either. I never understand the hype around sports events like the World Cup and NBA…unlike many that get so excited about it and can’t help but discuss it all day.

Different folks, different strokes I suppose, but for me, I much prefer reading a book than being stuck in front of the TV and getting emotional about something that, at the end of the day, literally means nothing to me.

Is it better to watch sports events with friends or alone?

Well, I really don’t know because I’ve never done it, but I can understand the radery it emboldens.

You know, guys sitting around, drinking beer, cheering for their favorite teams together and plaining if and when they underperform. So, it makes sense that it would be better to watch with friends as it’s a munal experience.

Do you think you’ll watch a sports event in the future?

I might, but I doubt it. However, in saying that, I think one day I’ll sit in some stadium to watch a live game, say, football, just to feel the passion of the fans and witness the teamwork among the players.

Vocabulary (and colloquialisms) 高分地道词汇和短语

  • sedentary 久坐的
  • excel in 擅长
  • ubiquitous 普遍的
  • failure 失败
  • birdy (羽毛)球
  • eye-to-hand coordination 眼手协调
  • not a fan of 不喜欢
  • the hype around 炒作;大肆宣传
  • Different folks, different strokes 萝卜青菜,各有所爱
  • stuck 困住
  • emotional 情绪化的
  • radery 伙伴友谊
  • embolden 鼓励;使……有信心
  • underperform 发挥得不理想
  • munal experience 群体的经历;共有的经历
  • teamwork 团队协作



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