stolen(人教版九年级英语上册Unit 2单词及重点短语

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Unit2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!


1.Mooncake ['mu:nkeɪk] n. 月饼

△The moon cake made by grandma is delicious!奶奶做的月饼味道美极了。

△People gather around the table to eat moon cakes and enjoy the moon on the 15th of August every year.每年8月15日,人们围坐在桌子旁吃月饼,赏月。

2.lantern [ˈlæntə (r)n] n. 灯笼

△Red lanterns are hung on both sides of the street on the Lantern Festival. 元宵节的时候,街道两旁都挂着红灯笼。

3.stranger [ˈstreindʒə (r)] n. 陌生人

△Don't talk to strangers.


△How many strangers have e to our munity today?


4lative [ˈrelətiv] n. 亲属;亲戚

△On the first day of new year's day, our parents took us to visit relatives.


5.put on 增加(体重);发胖

△During the outbreak, many people put on a lot of weight. 在疫情爆发期间,很多人的体重都增加了很多。

6.pound [paund] n. 磅(重量单位);英镑

△Grace has 500 pounds.格蕾丝有500英镑。

7.folk [fəuk] adj. 民间的;民俗的

△This is a famous piece of folk music.


8.goddess [ˈgɔdes][ˈɡɑdəs] n. 女神

△Chang’ e is a goddess in the Moon Palace. 嫦娥是月宫里的一位女神。

9.whoever [hu:ˈevə pron.无论是谁;不管谁;任何人

△Whoever he is,all should abide by the law.不管他是谁,都应该遵守法律。

10.steal [sti:l] v. (stole [stəul], stolen [stəulən]) 偷;窃取

△Grace's cell phone was stolen last night.


△The thief stole her bike last night.


11.lay [lei] v. (laid [leid], laid) 放置;产(卵)

△A frog is laying eggs in the lake.


△A hen lays one egg a day.


12.lay out 摆开;布置

△He lays out the table and put some fruit on the table.他摆好桌子,在桌子上放了一些水果。

13.dessert [diˈzɜ:(r)t] n.( 饭后)甜点;甜食

△Children like dessert.孩子们喜欢甜点。 [ga:(r)dn] n. 花园;园子

△There are all kinds of flowers in the garden.花园里有各种各样的花。

15.tradition [trəˈdɪʃn] n.传统

△Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival in China.


16.admire [ədˈmaiə (r)] v. 欣赏;仰慕

△On August 15, people sit outside to admire the moon.8月15日,人们坐在外面赏月。

17.tie [tai] n. 领带 v. 捆;束

△I bought my father a beautiful tie as a birthday present.我给爸爸买了一条漂亮的领带作为生日礼物。

18.haunted [ˈhɔ:ntid] adj.有鬼魂出没的

△It's a haunted place.那是个闹鬼的地方。

19.ghost [gəust] n. 鬼;鬼魂

△Don't pay attention to him. He has a ghost in his heart.别理他。他心神不宁。

20.trick [trik] n. 花招;把戏

△People who like to play tricks are not honest people.


21.treat [tri:t] n. 款待;招待;请客

We should treat guests from Beijing.


22.spider [ˈspaidər)] n. 蜘蛛

△There is a big spider in the corner.


23.Christmas [ˈkrisməs] n. 圣诞节

△The children are looking forward to Christmas.孩子们盼望着圣诞节的到来。

24.lie [laI] v. (lay [leI], lain [leIn]) 存在;平躺;处于

△Japan lies to the east of China.


25.novel [ˈnɔvl] [ˈna:vl] n.(长篇)小说

△Romance of the Three Kingdoms is a novel written by Luo Guanzhong.《三国演义》是罗贯中写的一部小说。

26.eve [i:v] n.(尤指宗教节假日的)前夕;前夜

△On Christmas Eve, people play all kinds of games.在平安夜,人们玩各种各样的游戏。

27.dead [ded] adj.死的;失去生命的

△There is a dead bird in the grass.

草丛中有一只死去的鸟。 [ˈbiznəs] n. 生意;商业

△Dad made a lot of money in business.


29.punish [ˈpʌnis] v. 处罚;惩罚

△If a person makes a mistake, he should be punished. 如果一个人犯了错误,他就应该受到惩罚。

30.warn [wɔ:(r)n] v. 警告;告诫

△The police warned the thief not to do bad things any more. 警察警告小偷不要再做坏事了。

31.end up 最终成为;最后处于

△He warned Scrooge to change his ways of life if he didn't want to end up his life like him. 他警告斯克罗吉,如果他不想像他一样结束自己的生活,就改变他的生活方式。

32.present [preznt] n. 现在;礼物 adj. 现在的

△At present, the epidemic situation has been well controlled. 目前,疫情已经得到很好的控制。

33.nobody [nəubədi] [nəuba:di] pron. 没有人

No one can believe him. 没有人会相信他。

34.warmth [wɔ:(r)mθ] n. 温暖;暖和

He felt the warmth of others.


35.spread [spred] v. 传播;展开 n. 蔓延;传播

△The epidemic is spreading rapidly in the United States. 这种流行病正在美国迅速蔓延。

36.Macao [məˈkau]

△Macao belongs to China.


37.Chiang Mai [ˌtʃiænˈmaI], [dʒa:nmaI] 清迈(泰城市)

△Chiang Mai is a city in Thailand.


38.Water Festiwal 泼水节

△The water Festival is so interesting.


△How interesting the water Festival is!



△On the Mid Autumn Festival, people eat moon cakes. 在中秋节,人们吃月饼。

40.Mother's Day母亲节

△Mother's Day is on the second Sunday of May. 母亲节在五月的第二个星期天。

41.Father's Day 父亲节

△Father's Day is on the third Sunday of June. 父亲节在六月的第三个星期天。

42.Halloween [ˌhæləuˈi:n] 万圣节前夕

△On Halloween, the children will be dressed up. 在万圣节前夕,孩子们会盛装打扮。

43.A Christmas Carol 《圣诞欢歌》(小说名)

△A Christmas Carol is the name of a novel. 《圣诞颂歌》是一本小说的名字。

44.Easter 复活节

△On Easter, people color eggs in different colors. 在复活节,人们把鸡蛋涂成不同的颜色。

45.Clara [ˈkla:rə] [ˈklerə] 克拉拉(女名)

△Clara is a cheerful girl.


46.Santa [ˈsæntə] Claus [klɔ:z] 圣诞老人

△Children like Santa Claus very much.


47.Charles [tʃa:(r)lz] Dickens [ˈdikənz] 查尔斯 • 狄更斯(英)

△A Christmas Carol is a short story written by Charles Dickens. 《圣诞颂歌》是查尔斯·狄更斯写的短篇小说。

48.Scrooge [skru:dʒ] 斯克鲁奇 n.(非正式)吝啬鬼

△He told about an old man named Scrooge. 他讲述了一个叫斯克罗吉的老人的故事。

49.Jacob [ˈdʒeikəb] Marley [ˈma:(r)li] 雅各布 • 马利

△Her name is Jacob Marley.


Unit2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!


1.put on 增加(体重);发胖

Mary has put on a lot of weight.

玛丽体重增加了很多。 about 关心; 在乎

We should learn to care about others.


3.end up 最终成为, 最后处于

After hard work, he ended up a scientist.


4.not only ……but also……不但……而且……

He can speak English as well as Chinese

=He can speak not only English but also Chinese. 他不仅会说英语,而且会说汉语。

5.shoot down 射下

It is said that Hou Yi shot down nine suns in the sky. 据说后羿射下了天上的九个太阳。

6ed to do 过去常常做……

Mary used to have long hair, but now she has short hair. 玛丽过去留长发,但现在她留短发。

7mind sb. of 使某人想起

This picture reminds me of my childhood. 这张照片使我想起了我的童年。

8.give out 分发 发放

The old man gave out the food to the poor children. 那位老人把食物分发给贫穷的孩子们。

9.the water festival 泼水节

The water festival of Dai in Yunnan is so interesting. 云南傣族的泼水节很有趣。

10.the Chinese spring festival 中国春节

The Spring Festival in China falls on January 1 every year.

中国的春节是在每年的1月1日。 year 明年

We are going to visit the farm in Australia next year.


12.sound like 听起来像

That sounds great. 这听起来太棒了。

13.each other 互相 彼此

We should help each other.

我们应该互相帮助。 the shape of 以……的形状

The moon appears in the shape of a full moon on August 15.


15.on mid-autumn night 在中秋之夜

People usually eat moon cakes on mid-autumn night.

人们通常在中秋节晚上吃月饼。 up to 飞向

Chang'e took medicine and flew up to the Moon Palace. 嫦娥吃药后飞上了月宫。

17.lay out 摆开 布置

He laid out all kinds of fruit on the table.


18e back 回来

In five minutes, dad will e back.

五分钟后,爸爸会回来。 a result 结果 因此

His sister studied hard, and as a result she got good grades. 他姐姐学习很努力,结果取得了好成绩。

20.Mother’s day 母亲节

I bought a beautiful scarf for my mother on Mother's day. 母亲节那天,我给妈妈买了一条漂亮的围巾。

21.more and more popular 越来越受欢迎

The classic songs of the 1970s and 1980s are being more and more popular.


22.think of 想起 ;认为 ;思考

What do you think of the film?


23.dress up 装扮 穿上盛装

The children are all dressed up for the Spring Festival. 孩子们都盛装过春节了。

24.the importance of ……的重要性

We should realize the importance of learning. 我们应该认识到学习的重要性。

25.make money 挣钱

Dad made a lot of money in business.

爸爸做生意赚了很多钱。 need 需要帮助 处于困境中

A friend in need is a friend indeed.


27.between …and…在……和……之间

There is a small river between the two mountains. 在两座山之间有一条小河。

I sit between Tom and Lily.


28.the dragon boat festival 龙舟节

It is said that the Dragon Boat Festival is to memorate the poet Qu Yuan in history. 据说端午节是为了纪念历史上的诗人屈原的.

29.the lantern festival 元宵节

I think the Lantern Festival is very interesting. 我认为元宵节很有趣。 best 最喜欢

My favorite subject is mathematics.

=I like math best.


31.go to …for a vacation 去……度假

We are going to Australia for a vacation.

我们要去澳大利亚度假。 similar to 与……相似

Lily is similar to her mother.


33.wash away 冲走 洗掉

A flood washed away the big stone.


34.Mid-autumn festival 中秋节

The Mid Autumn Festival is on the 15th of August every year.


35.shoot down 射下

It is said that Hou Yi shot down nine suns in the sky.

据说后羿射下了天上的九个太阳。 out 大声呼喊

The little girl in the room called out when the thief entered the room.


37.the tradition of ……的传统

The traditional of festival of China is the Spring Festival. 中国的传统节日是春节。 night 在夜里; 在晚上

I dare not go out alone at night.

晚上我不敢一个人出去。…,the other…一个……,另一个…...

I have two twin sisters. One learns to dance and the other to sing.


40.Father’s day 父亲节

Do you know there are two special days for parents in America?One is mother's day on the second Sunday of May, and the other is father's day on the third Sunday of June.


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