
体育新闻 2022-11-29 08:13www.1689878.com最新体育新闻

最近很多看众们在查找关于去月球哪种动物英文回答的解答,今天霍编为大家集合6条解答来给大家具体介绍! 有97%吃鸡玩家认为去月球哪种动物英文回答_去月球变成了什么动物值得一读!



Im going to in 2030, aboard the spacecraft to the moon, walk on the moon will be very interesting


海星 starfish 珊瑚 coral 螃蟹 crab 章鱼 ocus 龙虾 lobster 贝类 shell 鲨鱼 shark 海参 sea slug 乌贼 cuttlefish 虾子 prawn 海豚 dolphin 金鱼 gold fish 白带鱼 hair tail fish 牡蛎 oyster 珊瑚coral、海胆sea urchin、虾shrimp、水母jellyfish、海马sea horse、乌贼cuttlefish、 章鱼ocus、海牛manatee、lionfish狮子鱼、魟鱼ray、鲸whale、海星starfish、 海豚dolphin、鲨鱼shark、海龟sea turtle、寄居蟹hermit crab、海獭sea otter、 海狗fur seal、海象walrus、海豹seal、海葵sea anemone、海绵sponge、蟹crab、 管口鱼trumpetfish、小丑鱼clownfish、海狮sea lion、金鳞鱼squirrel fish、 蝶鱼butterfly fish、比目鱼flounder、刺河魨porcupine fish、海蛇sea snake、 阳燧足brittle star


答案是: go to the moon and Mars by spaceship ~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~


Dingo: mammal The dingo is the oldest purebred dog in the world. It is a fascinating animal with a fine set of sharp teeth. Dingoes were isolated from other dogs for 5000 years or so before the arrival of Europeans and their dogs. Dingoes differ from domestic dogs in that the female es on heat only once a year, not twice. Dingoes do not bark, but yelp or howl. They municate over long distances by this somewhat dismal vocalization. Another difference from most other dogs is that the dingo’s thick triangular ears are permanently erect, which is a primitive taint, which is a primitive taint. The dingo has heavy splayed feet that are usually white, and its short bushy tail is generally white tipped. The skull of the dingo is broader than that of other dogs and its tooth formation is characteristic. In hot areas, dingoes are creamy to reddish yellow, other colours can our. Early settlers reported white piebald and sometimes black dingoes and albinos. These variations in fur colour have led to the belief that pure-bred dingoes are rare


If Im on the moon. If Im on the moon,Ill look like the blue earth.That must be interesting. If Im on the moon,I wont speak out or sun here and there if I like. If Im on the moon,I must be happy to see that the earth is not pollutted. If Im on the moon,Ill say it lud,though you cant hear me,I love you,the earth!I love you,my home!


Today I went to zoo with my mother.There are tigers, pandas,monkeys and so on.I like monkey very much.Because they can ride a bike and dance.They are so celver! The pandas are cute.They ate bambooes from persons in the trees,near the stones,and I also gave pandas some bambooes.I was so excited and nervous.I afraid of tigers.Because they can eat persons ,and I think they are fightening.The giraffes neck is more longer than mice.So I am more shorter than it. It was so fun. I had a great time in zoo.

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