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最近很多队员在查看关于beside是什么意思的解答,今天盖编为大家收集9条解答来给大家详细解答! 有97%资深玩家认为beside是什么意思_beside的反义词值得一读!



beside 英???美?? prep. 在旁边;与…相比;和…无关 词汇搭配:
1、set beside 使…与…相比
2、stand beside 站立在…旁边
3、beside the mark 不切题,不相关
4、beside the question 不切题,不相关 例句: I?moved?from?behind?my?desk?to?sit?beside?her.? 我从桌子后面走到她身边坐了下来。


beside: prep. 在...旁边 例句与用法:
1. He lived in a town beside the sea. 他住在一个靠海的城镇.
2. I keep a dictionary beside me when I'm doing crosswords. 我填纵横字谜的时候, 手边总有一本字典.
3. Sit beside your sister. 坐在你妹妹旁边.
4. He was beside himself with rage when he saw the mess. 他看到一切都乱七八糟就勃然大怒.
5. Beside your earlier work this piece seems rather disappointing. 这件工作同你早先的工作相比, 有些令人失望.
6. The pany wished to locate its new factory beside the river. 这家公司希望把新工厂设在河边。
7. You'll need plenty of nerve to sit beside him when he is driving. 他开车的时候,你得有足够的胆量才敢坐在他旁边。
8. The child was trotting along beside its parents. 那孩子小跑著跟在父母身边. BESIDE 的用法 Besides, there are very few skilled stone workers left after the war years. =Also, there are very few skilled stone workers that are left after the war years. 此外,战争年代过后,技术熟练的石匠以所剩无几。 句中的besides是副词,作“还有,而且”解,通常置于句首。 例如: it’s too late to go to the concert. Besides, it’s raining. I don’t want to go out now. besides, I’m feeling tired. The task is difficult; besides, time is limited. Besides还可以用作介词,意思是“除…之外”,“还有…” 例如, There are five other room besides these two. Besides the violin, Jack also plays the piano. To learn English, listening is also important besides reading. 不要把besides同beside是介词,作“在……旁边”(next to 解,例如: He is sitting beside the driver. He lives in a town beside a lake.


besides ....... also,= 除了.......还有/是 请采纳谢谢


beside prep. 在旁边, 和...比较 beside be.side AHD: D.J. K.K. prep.(介词 At the side of; next to. 在…旁边;挨着 In parison with: 与…相比较: a proposal that seems quite reasonable beside the others. 一个与其它相比似乎相当合理的建议 On an equal footing with: 与…平等: has earned a place beside the best performers in the business. 在商业中赢得与最佳者平等的地位 In addition to: 除…之外: “Many creatures beside man live in munities”(Stuart Chase)See Usage Note at besides “除人类之外,许多生物也是群居的”(斯图尔特·蔡斯)参见 besides Except for.See Usage Note at besides 除了参见 besides Not relevant to: 与…无关: a remark that was beside the point. 离题的评论 adv.Archaic (副词 古语 In addition. 之外 Nearby. 在附近 beside (oneself) In a state of extreme excitement or agitation: 发狂:处于异常兴奋或激动状态: They were beside themselves with glee. 他们欣喜若狂 Middle English biside 中古英语 biside from Old English be s?n 源自 古英语 be s?n be * see by 1 be *参见 by1 s?e s?e beside prep. 在...旁边; 在...附近 与...相比 离开; 在...之外; 与...无关 Beside yours our achievement counts for little. 与你们的成就比较起来, 我们的算不了什么。 His argument is beside the subject. 他的议论离开主题了。 He has no money beside this. 他除此之外没有钱了。 beside adv. 在旁边 The ladies rode in the carriage and we ran along beside. 女士们乘坐马车, 我们则跟在车旁跑。 说明 beside 与 besides均可作介词用, 但 beside 意指“在...旁边”, 如: beside the river在河边, 而 besides 则指“除...以外, 还有...”, 如: Besides these honors he received a sum of money.除了荣誉以外, 他还得了一笔钱。 beside oneself 不知所措; 精神错乱, 为某事而忘形 beside be.side AHD: D.J. K.K. prep. At the side of; next to. In parison with: a proposal that seems quite reasonable beside the others. On an equal footing with: has earned a place beside the best performers in the business. In addition to: “Many creatures beside man live in munities”(Stuart Chase)See Usage Note at besides Except for.See Usage Note at besides Not relevant to: a remark that was beside the point. adv.Archaic In addition. Nearby. beside (oneself) In a state of extreme excitement or agitation: They were beside themselves with glee. Middle English biside from Old English be s?n be * see by 1 s?e


beside 意指...旁边, : beside the river河边, besides 则指除...外, ..., : Besides these honors he received a sum of money.除荣誉外, 笔钱 beside与besides 介词beside用含义……旁边、……附近: Come and sit beside us. 坐我旁边吧 There is a chair beside the door. 门旁边椅 besides词形与beside相似意义却相差甚远 besides作副词表示且、并且、外等意思: She has so much else to do besides. 外许其事要做 I'm quite busy today. Besides, I've got a bad cold. 我今忙且我冒厉害 besides作介词表示除……外 : There were a lot of people at the party besides us. 除我外晚许(其


您好,beside只用作介词,意为“在……旁边、和……相比”。 例如:He was sitting beside her. 他坐在她的旁边。 You look tall beside her. 你看来比她高。 besides用作介词时,意为“除……外”,相当于in addition to。例如: Do you play other games besides tennis? 除网球之外,你还参加其他的运动项目吗? Besides knowing some Greek, she was fluent in Italian. 她除了懂些希腊语之外,意大利语也说得很流利。 besides用作副词时,意为“此外、而且”,相当于moreover。例如: Besides, I want you to promise me one thing. 此外,我要你答应我一件事。


1. near作形容词。
(1)表示邻近的,接近的。如:a near translation接近原文的翻译。
(2)也可以表示亲密的,近亲的。如:He is my near friend. 他是我最好的朋友。
2. near可以用作介词。 意为:在......附近或接近,近如:There's a bakery near our house. 在我家附近有一个面包店。It is near dinner time. 快到吃饭的时间了。 BESIDE 的用法 Besides, there are very few skilled stone workers left after the war years. =Also, there are very few skilled stone workers that are left after the war years. 此外,战争年代过后,技术熟练的石匠以所剩无几。 句中的besides是副词,作“还有,而且”解,通常置于句首。 例如: it’s too late to go to the concert. Besides, it’s raining. I don’t want to go out now. besides, I’m feeling tired. The task is difficult; besides, time is limited. Besides还可以用作介词,意思是“除…之外”,“还有…” 例如, There are five other room besides these two. Besides the violin, Jack also plays the piano. To learn English, listening is also important besides reading. 不要把besides同beside是介词,作“在……旁边”(next to 解,例如: He is sitting beside the driver. He lives in a town beside a lake. by, beside, near和next to 1) by和beside均表示“在……旁边”,常可换用 例:There is a chair by the table. 桌子边上有一把椅子。 She stood by the window. 她站在窗边。 The hotel is beside (/by) the river. 那家饭店在河边。 Come and sit beside (/by) me. 过来,坐在我边上。 Put your shoes beside mine. 把你的鞋子放在我的鞋子旁边。 2) near表示“在……附近”,表示的距离比by和beside稍远些,也时常换用 例:There is a theatre near his home. 他家附近有一家剧院。 Don't play near the road. 不要在马路附近玩。 There is a post office near No. 1 Middle School. 第一中学附近有一所邮局


beside 在....旁边。besides:除了....之外还有,而且的意思 He sat down beside Emma. 他在艾玛身旁坐下。 The driver couldn't see either. Besides, the roads are nearly impassable. 刚才司机也看不清楚。而且这些路简直无法通行。


near,close,with,by,nearby beside是在.....旁边,这些都是它的近义词。

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