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最近很多客官老爷在寻求关于高一英语短文改错的解答,今天江编为大家网罗6条解答来给大家权威解读! 有89%小白玩家认为高一英语短文改错_高中英语短文改错解题技巧值得一读!



Almost everyone think the tiger is dangerous.
1. _______
In the old days the people were afraid of tigers
2. _______
very much, so they try hard to kill many tigers.
3. _______
Anyone could beat the tiger to death was thought
4. _______
of as a hero. In the past 50 years people hunted
5. _______
tigers so as to get their skins for clothes and bone
6. _______
for medicine. That they wanted from the tiger was
7. _______
money. So the population of tigers was dropped
8. _______
rapid. What I want to say is that now it is time for
9. _______
us to think over what we've done for the tigers and
10. _______
do something to help them.
Almost everyone think the tiger is dangerous.
1. thinks
In the old days the people were afraid of tigers
2. the
very much, so they try hard to kill many tigers.
3. tried
Anyone ∧could beat the tiger to death was thought
4. who
of as a hero. In the past 50 years people hunted
5. √
tigers so as to get their skins for clothes and bone
6. bones
for medicine. That they wanted from the tiger was
7. What
money. So the population of tigers was dropped
8. was
rapid. What I want to say is that now it is time for
9. rapidly
us to think over what we've done for the tigers and
10. to
do something to help them.
1. 该句说的是从古至今的一个事实,用的是一般现在时。everyone被视作第三人称单数,其充当主语,故谓语动词think 应改为thinks。
2. people带定冠词时表示特指某一些人,这里显然是泛指,所以不能用定冠词。将the people中的the去掉。
3. 文章从第二句开始到第6句,叙述的是过去人们对虎的态度及虎的遭遇,所以谓语动词应该用一般过去时的形式。try应改为tried。
4. 此句是一个复合句, anyone是主句的主语,could beat the tiger to death是一个缺主语的定语从句。虽然定语从句意义上的主语也是anyone, 但anyone是不可以身兼二职的。关系代词在定语从句中充当主语时不可省略,因此要加上关系代词who。在这里who既在意义上等同于anyone,又作定语从句的主语。
5. 本行中没有错误。
6. bone是可数名词,在英语中可数名词表示泛指时通常有以下两种形式:一是"冠词 单数可数名词";二是用"复数"。"零冠词 单数可数名词"的用法是一种受汉语影响的常见错误。根据文章的意思我们也可以较容易地判断出此处要用复数,应改为bones。因为猎虎者对虎皮和虎骨的企求是多多益善。
7.此处不能用That,应改为What。因为what = the thing that, 既包含有先行词,又包含有作定语从句主语的关系代词,这样才能正确地把"他们想从虎身上得到的是钱"这一意思表达出来。
8. drop是不及物动词,不能用被动语态。去掉was。
9. 从语法结构角度分析,rapid在句子中修饰谓语动词dropped,作状语,故应该是副词。
10. 介词for 的基本意思是"为……",介词to的意思则是"对(于)……"。如:What can I do for you?/What happened to him?
New York can be a very dangerous city-especially at
1. _______
night. Many people dare not to go out alone into the streets
2. _______
after dark. This problem is worse for single woman like
3. _______
Miss Green. For a singer, she had to drive alone to clubs
4. _______
lately at night. Then she had to drive home after the shows.
5. _______
She needed a "friend" during she drove to work or back
6. _______
home. She found a man-shaped balloon that named Bob and
7. _______
set him in the passenger seat of her car while she drives
8. _______
at night. People on the street thought the women driver
9. _______
had a man with her and she felt safely.
10. _______
1. √
2. 去掉 to。
3. for与 single之间加 a。
4. For 改为 As。
5. lately 改为late。
6. during 改为when。
7. 去掉that (或在that 后加was)。
8. drives 改为 drove。
9. women 改为 woman。
10. safely 改为 safe。




短文改错主要考察两个方面:语法和语篇。 语法一般包括:冠词误用,形容词与副词的误用,动词现在分词与过去分词的误用,介词搭配, 时态,等。 从对语篇的了解,也就是翻译一下段落后,我们可能还会发现如:代词的误用,连词的误用等问题。


1.These who have plenty of money will help their friend.
2.This is the longest train which I have ever seen.
3.Which we all know, swimming is a very good sport.
4.I shall never fet those years which I lived in the farm which you visited last week.
5.The radio set which I bought it last week has gone wrong.
答案:1these-those 2which-that 3which-as 4first'which'-when 5drop 'it'
6.He paid the boy $10 for washing ten windows, most of them hadn't been cleaned fot at least a year.
7.The day will e which the people all over the world will win liberation.
8.Mr. Herpin is one of the foreign experts who is working in China.
9.They talked for about an hour of things and persons who they remembered in the school.
10.My glasses, with which I was like a blind man, fell to the ground and broke.
6.them-which 7which-when 8is-are 9who-that 10with-without.
11.He is a man of great experience, from who much can be learned.
12.A harvester is a machine with which we harvest crops or a person which is harvesting.
13.I have bought the same dress which she is wearing.
14.In the police station I saw the man from which room the thief had stolen the TV set.
15.Chapin, for who money was now no problem , start a new film pany with his friends.
答案:11who-whom12second 'which'-who 13which-as 14which-whose15 who-whom
16.Please put the letter which he can easily find it.
17.The house in the front of which there is a big tree was built more than 1000 years ago.
18.Antarctic ,which we know very little is covered with thick ice all the year round.
19.The reason why I was away from school is because I was ill yesterday.
20.It was a meeting that importance I didn't realize at that time
16.which-where17drop 'the'18 which前加about
21.She was the one I met at the party , whom you knew.
22.They have decided to stay at home, that is , I think ,a wise choice.
23.All the apples which fell down were eaten by the pigs.
24.Did you see the man whom I nodded just now ?
25.I, who is your good friend, will try my best to help you.
答案:21whom-as 22 that-which23which-that 24nodded后加to 25is-am
26.-How do you like the book?
-It's quite different from the one what I read last month.
27.Is oxgen the only gas which helps fire burn?
28. I'll tell you all what he told me last week.
29.In the dark street, there wasn't a single person from whom she could turn for help
30.Willma became the first Ameria woman to win three Olympic gold medals in track, that made her mother very happy.
答案:26what-that 27which-that 28what-that 29from-to 30that-which
1.She heard a terible noise , as brought her heart into her mouth.
2.His parents wouldn't let him marry anyone whom family was poor.
3.The weather turned out to be very good, that was more than we could expect.
4.After living in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small town which he grew up as a child.
5.I shall never fet those years which I lived in the country with the farmers.
答案:31 as-which32whom-whose 33that-which 34which-where 35which-when
7.Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play,who ,of course , made the others unhappy.
8.Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase , the price of whose was very reasonable.
9.Which has already been pointed out , grammar is not a set of dead rules.
40.He lived in London for 3 months , during that time he learned some English.
答案:37who-which 38whose-which 39which-as 40that-which
1.Oh the wall hung a picture, which color is blue.
2.Whenever I met him , that was fairly often, I like his sweet and hopeful smile.
3.The visitor asked the guide to take his picture there stands the famous tower.
4.The boss whose department Ms King worked ten years ago look down upon women.
5.I don't like the way which you speak to her.which
答案:41 which-whose42that-which 43there-where 44worded后加in 45which-in which


1. Everyone of us is working hard in the factory.
2. I have caught a bad cold for a week and I can’t get rid of it.
3. This is the steel plant where we visited last week.
4. Following the road and you will find the store.
5. This is all what Dr. Smith said at the meeting.
6. He promised to e and see us after the supper.
7. My mother is busy preparing for supper.
8. I’ve heard him but I never know him.
9. We got on the school bus and which took us straight to the People’s Park.
10. Everyone agreed to his suggestion which we should hold a meeting to talk about the problem.
11. Oliver Twist, the hero of the story, he was an orphan.
12. The pen is lost, for we cannot find it everywhere.
13. The two languages are not at all the same in neither spelling or grammar.
14. He told me that how important it is to learn English.
15. Can’t you remember tell me that the other day?
16. She asked me if I had found out my new pen.
17. He had changed so much that I could hardly know him.
18. I knew from Joan that Mary had fallen ill.
19. *I didn’t hear you. Please repeat the sentence again.,
20. Would you please speak something about your family?
21. We must study hard in order to serve for the people better in the future.
22. The writing of the report spent me two evenings.
23. If I had time, I shall see the new film.
24. Don’t let the children who are so young to go swimming.
25. It took place in France, an European country.
26. Would you bought the dictionary if you had had more money yesterday?
27. I shall lend the money to who es first.
28. That is known to all, Taiwan belongs to China.
29. What was it that woke up the baby?
30. “Do you mind getting me some water?” “Certainly don’t.” 3
1. He enjoyed nothing but listen to music. 3
2. Cotton feels softly. 3
3. He is by far the clever student in our class. 3
4. I came here especially to ask you for advice. 3
5. I don’t doubt whether I’m able to finish the work on time. 3
6. Would you be kind as to turn off the TV set? 3
7. Do you know what do these words mean? 3
8. Do you know anything about the aident happened in the village yesterday? 3
9. The little girl hurried home with the remained money. 40. Speak slowly and try to make yourself understand 4
1. The population of Zhengzhou is fewer than that of Beijing. 4
2. My father has three brothers and two of them are all Party members. 4
3. He’ll leave Beijing to Paris tomorrow. 4
4. He devoted his life for his country. 4
5. *There having no buses, we had to walk home. 4
6. *Being Sunday today, we don’t have to work. 4
7. Not had studied his lessons well, he failed in the exam. 4
8. My brother has turned an engineer for two years. 4
9. I have three letters to be answer this afternoon. 50. The recorder needs be repaired before it can be used. 5
1. Having been ill for a long time, so she fell behind her classmates.


5.在文章语境或上文中提到的,下文可能故意写错,这个要改 这些都是我自己的经验。本人去年高考英语133,希望对你有帮助

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