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最近很多粉丝们在搜索关于tired是什么意思的解答,今天龙编为大家网罗10条解答来给大家详细解析! 有89%大神认为tired是什么意思_homeworktime是什么意思值得一读!



1、疲倦的;疲劳的;困倦的 词组:to be/look/feel tired感到 / 显得 / 觉得疲惫 例句:I'm too tired even to think.我累得连想也不愿意想。
2、tired of sb/sth | tired?of doing sth厌倦;厌烦 例句:I'm sick and tired of all the arguments.我对所有这些争论烦透了。
3、陈旧的;陈腐的;陈词滥调的 例句:He always es out with the same tired old jokes.他总是讲些千篇一律老掉牙的笑话。
1、(尤指长时间努力工作后 疲劳的,疲倦的,疲惫的? 词组:a weary traveller 疲惫不堪的旅行者;a weary sigh 疲倦的叹息 例句:She suddenly felt old and weary.她突然感到了衰老和疲倦。
2、(literary) 使人疲劳的;使人厌烦的? 词组:a weary journey 使人疲乏的旅程 例句:They were tired after their journey.旅行结束后他们感到很疲惫。
3、weary?of sth/of doing sth(对… 不再感兴趣,不再热心,感到不耐烦? 例句:He was weary of the constant battle between them.他对他们之间无休止的争斗感到厌倦了。


tired 英文发音: 中文释义:adj. 疲倦的;厌倦的,厌烦的 例句: Michael is tired and he has to rest after his long trip. 迈克尔累了,他在长途旅行之后不得不休息。 短语:
1、tired of 厌烦
2、tired out 十分疲劳,非常疲倦
3、feel tired 感到疲劳
4、get tired of 厌烦;对…感到厌倦
5、got tired of 厌烦
6、sick and tired of 对…十分厌倦
7、dead tired 累得要命;筋疲力尽
8、be tired from 因…而厌倦;因…而疲劳
1、tiresome 英文发音: 中文释义:adj. 烦人的,无聊的;令人讨厌的 例句: I had planned to go to your party, but you know I had to finish that tiresome paper. 我本打算参加你们的聚会,但你知道我还得完成那烦人的论文。
2、tireless 英文发音: 中文释义:adj. 不知疲倦的;不疲劳的 例句: Everyone notices his tireless nature but can’t figure out how he does everything so well and so quickly. 每个人都觉得他不知疲倦,但是搞不清楚他如何能迅速把工作做得如此之好。


be tired 疲惫的,疲倦的 tired 英 ? 美 ? adj.疲倦的;困倦的;对…不耐烦的;陈旧的 v.(使 疲劳( tire的过去式和过去分词 ;对(做 某事感到厌倦 比较级: more tired;最高级: most tired 例句:
1、You?must?be?tired?taking?us?around.? 你们陪我们参观,辛苦了。
2、You?must?be?tired?after?such?a?long?day's?journey!? 赶了一天路,累了吧?
3、You?must?be?tired?after?walking?such?a?long?distance.? 你大远地走来,累了吧!
1、tired of sth./doing sth. 厌倦的;厌烦的 I am?tired?of?all?the?speculation? 我厌烦了所有的推测。
2、tired from/with 后面跟的是疲倦的原因:
①、I'm?so?tired?from?working?out?all?afternoon.? 运动了一整个下午,我累坏了。
②、The?old?lady?was?tired?with?her?housework.? 做了家务活,那位老太太累了。
3、be tired out:筋疲力尽 n't?be?too?tired?to?burn?yourself?out.? 别太累让自己精疲力竭。


人作主语,后加tired,(.感到疲倦) 物作主语,后加tiring.(.令人感到疲倦 eg: I am so tired. 我好累啊. Traveling long distances by train can be tiring. 坐火车长途旅行可能很累人 tired adj. feeling that you need to rest or sleep,weary in body or mind 疲倦的,疲惫的,感到疲倦 eg:I was pletely tired out after all that. 做那么多事后我感到精疲力竭. tiring adj. making you want to rest or sleep 令人疲倦的、累人的 eg:The baby is tiring. a tiring trip/journey


tired adj. 疲倦的; 困倦的; 对…不耐烦的; 陈旧的; v. (使 疲劳( tire的过去式和过去分词 ; 对(做 某事感到厌倦;


tired中频词,你记住了吗?常见度: 生词本 简明释义 词组习语 同反义词 同义词辨析 更多资料 adj. 疲倦的; 困倦的; 对…不耐烦的; 陈旧的 v. (使 疲劳( tire的过去式和过去分词 ; 对(做 某事感到厌倦 比较级: more tired 最高级: the most tired 常用词组 tired and emotional
1. (幽默,婉)喝醉的 同义词 adj.
1. “疲倦的”释义下的同义词 run-down weak fatigued weary exhausted 其他释义下的同义词 fatigued exhausted weary bored weak sleepy listless run-down weary, tired 这两个形容词均有“累的,疲乏的”之意。 weary: 侧重指由于连续不断进行某项活动而造成的疲劳,以致感到厌烦。 tired: 普通用词,泛指因工作紧张,劳动过度,休息不足等而引起的疲乏。 查看更多内容gt;gt; 派生词 tiredly tiredness 旗舰版柯林斯 现代英汉综合大词典 WordNet英英词典 词典例句
1. ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词疲劳的;累的 If you are tired, you feel that you want to rest or sleep. Michael is tired and he has to rest after his long trip. 迈克尔累了,他在长途旅行以后必须休息。 所以,be tired 意思就是很疲劳,很累的意思。


形容词,夸张化的说法 is damn tired to live life is damn tiring 总觉得有fucking tired 有点怪,用damn 会比较好一点,反正他俩意思差不多


I am really tired.的中文翻译 I am really tired. 我真的很累。 双语例句 1 I hate to be a party pooper, but I am really tired. 我不想扫大家的兴,不过我真的累了。 2 I miss that I am really tired! 我想我是真的累的!





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