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最近很多萌新们在查看关于摘要英文翻译的解答,今天酆编为大家收集10条解答来给大家答疑解难! 有78%游戏达人认为摘要英文翻译_怎么把中文摘要翻译成英文值得一读!



Abstract: poplar leaves explants, a tissue culture pilot study. The results show that: the vein and petiole easily produce adventitious buds; medium BA concentration is affected adventitious buds forming the key; BA concentration in the 0.5 to 2 mg / L of adventitious buds have returned BA
1.0 mg / L and NAA0 .05 mg / L with use, can promote the formation of adventitious buds; medium add GA3 0.1 to 0.2 mg / L, can increase the frequency of adventitious buds. On this basis, the establishment of poplar leaves vitro regeneration system, the use of the system can be regenerated shoots high frequency, but a slight difference between the different varieties.


The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a decision-making method bining quantitative and qualitative analysis. The method will make the factors of desicion-making into target , rule , scheme and etc; and based on which , carry out decision-making method of quantitative and qualitative analysis. The decision for many target evaluation is quite suitable for tourist vehicle options .This paper introduces the basic theories and methods of the factors analytic process, and makes the explanation and discussion to the application of AHP in the selection of tourist vehicle , especially it provides a shortcut for the solutions of plex problems .


Abstract: Chopin is the great Poland musicians, and at the same time, representatives and romantic music. Chopinsarmy Poland dance op40nr1 is a national character of the works, the works of national consciousness andemotion is the style most strongly reflected, it embodies the national character of Chopin s works. Chopins music and nieenth century Polands particular social contextand historical background have deep relationship, Chopihnic roots are deep and wide, so he is a national artist,poser; at the same time, his life was almost cannot do without the piano, if each note to a the text, his musicmakes people feel the poetic mood, like poetry contains a profound truth and mood, and he is also known as thePiano poet. This paper focuses on the analysis ofChopin army Poland dance op40nr1 playing point.Keywords: Chopin; Poland dance; staato, legatostaato chords;;; big bomb method


The word euphemism Euphemism is Greek, es from the Greek prefix eu=well and root pheme=speaking. Euphemism is rather a social linguistic phenomenon, be inferior to saying is a kind of cultural phenomenon. Language is the carrier of thought, is the epitome of social culture. As a language tool, euphemism is rich in cultural connotations, carrying the social structure, the national psychology, religious culture and other aspects of a nation. However, Chinese and English belong to two pletely different style of the language, its background, culture, customs and other aspects of thinking, there exist various differences. Therefore, in both English and Chinese Euphemisms in also exist certain differences. Euphemism is not only a linguistic phenomenon, but also a cultural phenomenon. There are two English language in a large number of euphemism, because of differences between Chinese and Western culture, so Chinese and English euphemism as a kind of cultural phenomenon also show some differences. In recent years, there are many angles and many domestic and foreign scholars from linguistics, culture, rhetoric of the related research on euphemism. Death euphemism as an anic ponent of euphemism, has received extensive attention. English and Chinese Euphemism of death in many aspects such as culture, history, there are similarities and differences points. In this paper, through the parative study of English and Chinese Euphemism of death is certain, the language features of English and Chinese euphemism and death and the representation of culture have a better understanding of the. The contents of this paper are as follows: the first part mainly introduces the definition, function of euphemism; the second part focuses on the analysis of the similarities and differences between Chinese and western of death euphemism, and the deep-seated reasons of the similarities and differences; the third part has carried on the summary to the full text.


In Chinese opera in the direction of tragedy, the peach blossom fan with tragic character LiXiangJun and HouFangYu both to end, on the surface, it seems, transgressed against the sense of personality characters and development of logical structure of the development of drama. Established But the opposite is true. Modem, people are more and more deeply realize the peach blossom fan this tragic oute of unique value.


English abstract


The reasons for selling a large part of the novel is reflected in the values of the novel to draw the audiences response, this paper of Jin Yongs novels, as well as the numerous ments on the novel, from the four aspects of Jin Yongs novels on love: love is in any one of the original grid, and love is a step-by-step to achieve a highly emotional. Justice in the situation with the contradiction between love and ceremony, the love of freedom should be simple, do not rigidly adhere to decency and propriety, but it can not carry on justice. Finally, the spirit of love must be sacrificed.


The experiment takes bonus Joseph's coat as material , discusses bonus amaranth change coercing brightness in process and restoring to close physiology characteristic property in weak brightness. Result is indicated: Be pared with natural illumination establishing, bonus amaranth nothing but brightness falling in weak brightness closes notable go down of rate (Pn) , rising rate (Tr) and the air hole lead degree (Gs) , rise and obviously to be acpanying patriot room CO2 thickness (Ci); Whose Pn and Gs rise , Ci reduces but behind 6 ds restoring natural illumination,photosynthesis explaining that weak brightness may restrict the bonus amaranth by air hole factor. The bonus amaranth all has stronger alimatization in weak brightness and their recovery process. 标准人工翻译、希望可以帮助你、




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