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  Air separation plant on-site installation and welding of soil management
  Cheng Shih, Mr. CHAN Wing
  Zhejiang Industrial Equipment Installation Company’s second subsidiary, Zhejiang Quzhou Ju Hua North Road, 324004
  Abstract This paper presents the installation of air separation equipment, field installation, welding characteristics and preparation, focusing on the management of cold box welding, welding tower pipe prefabrication and installation management,mesh fencing preferably with a wooden erection, and condensation on the evaporator tower welding management, the three management units and instrumentation tube welding, and welding data management. due to take the appropriate measures strict requirements, so that all works mesh fencing excellent.
  Keywords: air separation plant; installation; welding; management
  Key words: TB657.7 Document code: B
  1 installation of an air separation plant Engineering welding characteristics of a large number of aluminum alloy welding
  ASU tower piping and equipment mesh fencing aluminum alloy, aluminum welding mesh fencing required, and large.
  1.2 Cleanliness demanding
  Cleanliness direct impact. to the welding quality, so the welding process to ensure welding, base metal, and practitioners working environment clean, especially the oxygen pressor and tower pipe and equipment installation requirements stricter.
  1.3 deformation demanding
  cold box and the main tower of the vertical degree higher, mostly because of their height over 20 meters, so welding a great impact on the verticality in the actual construction of symmetric double-sided weld should be taken to reduce the deformation, to ensure verticality can do that.
  1.4 To prevent the bump hurt
  lower hardness as aluminum, in the construction process to take all protective measures, such as the hoisting rope outside to be increased when the rubber sleeve or pad pipeline group when the use of soft hammer (wood or rubber hammer) tap.
  1.5 aluminum alloy welding is easy to produce porosity
  bee solid in the liquid, the gas solubility in the molten pool in the abrupt decrease together with its condensation fast, so easy to produce holes. Meanwhile, the aluminum alloy from the solid into a liquid, the pool color change is very small, is more difficult to bring the welding.
  2 preparations
  ( 1) Aording to the different base materials, welding consumables, welding methods, welding procedure qualification, welder training after the test. welder qualification test process assessment and have to be GTAW, double-sided cross-welding and other projects. If the actual pressure is not enough, only in the middle water pipeline pump pressure to meet the requirements. In order to reduce the length of welding to increase the arc stability,Airport sources said the fence will be adjusted China Tele chairman Wang Xiaochu Renshang Bing took over, improve the quality of welding, cold box in the auxiliary cold box and bottom The release of two welders, while the Ministry responsible for the upper and lower welding.
  (4) before the pipe prefabrication, to minimize the fixed-welded joint, increased activity welded joint and welding quality, welding and pipeline operations personnel should consult How prefabricated, lifting the premise of ensuring, as far as possible to increase the workload of prefabricated ground.
  3 cold box welding management
  cold box welding has two characteristics: symmetry and sealing. cold box required a high degree of vertical Theremesh fencinge, the welding process is absolutely necessary to keep staff symmetry and welding speed consistency, staff 2 or 4 people, essentially the same welding speed of symmetry. 同时, cold box Mifeng demmesh fencinging, and welding in the outer wall must Manchurian .
  4 column welded pipe prefabrication and installation management
  (1) pre-site requirements: pre-site should be close to those from the cold box to reduce handling workload; must be placed indoors to wind, rain and so on welding quality; ground covered with rubber mat, about 50m2; rolling rubber tires must also, and prevent damage to the base metal; site must be kept clean, clean.
  (2) after pre-degreasing, both ends wrapped with a clean plastic sheeting to prevent contamination.
  (3) group used a hammer to use wooden hammer.
  (4) Pipeline Group to add steel to the welding pad ring, the cushion ring Spot position should pay special attention must be clear tube medium flows to the downstream side of the spot welding.
  (5) pipe facing to deal with clean, use stainless steel wire brush to expose the metallic luster, wire should be skimmed, welders gloves to clean, can not have oil, water, etc..
  (6) groove group could not be mandatory, or excessive stress caused by welding of crack easily.
  (7) installation, hoisting large pipe when the wire rope must be protected with a rubber sleeve to prevent damage to the base metal or grease gets on base metal; lifting a small tube with a hemp rope, the rope must be kept clean, or polluting the groove, the welding quality.
  (8) installation of cold boxes at the to seal it to minimize the manhole openings to reduce the ventilation effect, and can play the role of wind rain. in the actual construction, for ease of pipe to the cold box handling, lifting, usually the next leave one side open cold box. Based on years of construction experience, we have taken to focus a large number of prefabricated parts, stacked to the cold box inside the bottom, then close the opening, this can reduce the impact of wind on the weld quality, in order to ensure the cold box All welded joints of welding quality.
  (9) testing program required by the welding construction.
  5 on the tower and condenser soldered management
  (1) on the tower and the condensation of the evaporator Group weld monly known as the main seam, the welding quality, will affect the tower’s verticality and ultimately affect the purity of the product. main seam welding is the air separation plant in the core welding, the welding required to prepare work instructions.
  (2) first Good Lord aording to process requirements grinding groove joints, and for spot welding. As the main tower and large diameter thick wall, if the group by conventional methods, with a gradual leveling Figure children, spot welding difficult. Therefore we use jack tower outside the law group, not only fast and good quality.
  (3) welding station’s platform puts up is also important, preferably with a wooden erection, if not, can also be used bamboo pieces. Good fences around the set. The platform height varies due to the height of welders, welder fortable as long as you can, the general height of 1.4 m away from the weld is appropriate.
  (4) personnel division of labor: aluminum welder 4, divided into 2 groups mesh fencing double-sided cross-weld; Electric 2, to prevent the temporary welding machine failure, and because welding machine far away from the welder, welding electrical current is adjusted with the use of walkie-talkie size; fitter 2, with the welder mesh fencing groove grinding mesh fencing measuring verticality; lifting work two, with the bench in the tower at the of the vertical degree of regulation; fire welder 1, pre-pad on the welded joint and to deliver wire welder; member of a weld construction, coordination among all parties, and Aording to weld gap size and the vertical tower to determine the starting degree of solder joints, and solder pre-treatment process may be a problem.
  (5) welding test plate before welding, the thickness of line with the main seam, until the film qualified before the main welding seam. the actual welding,Airport sources said the fence will be adjusted China Tele chairman Wang Xiaochu Renshang Bing took over, welding currents to two and then increase 20 ~ 30A. other official facilities welding, argon purity to be 99.99% or more.
  (6) main seam welding To select the appropriate weather and ambient temperature, relative humidity measurements can not weld around more than 80%; welding when the cold box temperature not below 5 ℃. welding before the cold box to the and everyone Kong are covered to Anti-ventilation chimney effect.
  (7) use within a groove on both sides of 50mm polished stainless steel wire brush the metal luster, welders gloves, new, and wire to carry out degreasing. welding process, two pairs of welding speed to maintain staff consistent, arc welders tower can not be interrupted, even if outside the welders for wire, we should also protect the pool with argon gas to avoid porosity. at any time in the welding process to observe the degree of change in the vertical column, feel free to weld speed meet the requirements to ensure verticality.
  (8) welding the end mesh fencing after cooling, to 100% X-ray film. Based on years of experience, the main seam, if flawed, the general location of all the weld center (not peration), or the upper edge of the weld (porosity), as long as the grinding time position under the defect, without having the whole width of the grinding.
  (9) last measurement tower verticality. As the welding process has taken measures, the general verticality can meet the requirements. If a small deviation can be adjusted through the Tara frame, and can be carried out with heating means.
  6 Other aspects of welding management
  (1) air pressor, oxygen pressor, nitrogen pressor preparation process of the three pipeline units must be equipped with equipment for the center outward tube (especially large pipe), if the pipes and equipment connected to the final installation, will lead to strong group not only affects the quality of units installed, can cause welded joints to excessive stress.
  (2) oxygen pressor larger diameter pipe, the installation must first pre-assembled, solid after the welding point, otherwise it is difficult to ensure a good seal flange contact surface. <br \In the construction process to synchronize records make the welding quality and welding data retention. day to day for each weld seam number, number welder, welding the date marked on the single chart, make every welds NDT records, and Aording to NDT reports, construction drawings and other records of good welding quality, after the pletion of the consolidation after the filing or transfer of the factory.
  actual installation process, we have taken over management measures welding, welding quality, the various engineering factory were very satisfied, but also shows more effective management of these welding.
  Author: Zheng Shi soil (1967 -), male, East China Shipbuilding Engineering Institute of Welding Technology and Equipment graduate, is currently Zhejiang Industrial Equipment Installation Company The second branch of metal laboratory director, engineer.








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