michael jordan(michael jordan 姓是哪个)
本文由体育爱好者Charles Yu投稿,除了,我们还提供了michaeljordan是谁,michaeljordan什么意思,michael jordan课文翻译,希望本文能为您找到想要的体育资讯。
mj,就是michael jordan ,做为篮球之神乔丹,他是耐克旗下他自己的专属品牌aj,也就是air jordan 的头号代言人,所以其实不存在mj叫aj,而只能说mj代表着aj
迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan,1963年2月17日-),生于美国纽约,前美国男子职业篮球运动员,司职得分后卫,绰号“飞人”,公认的史上最伟大的篮球运动员,被称为“篮球之神”。
因为若当标准型是法国数学家Marie Ennemond Camille Jordan和另一位数学家提出来的。而法语姓Jordan就发作/???dan/,谐音“若当”
英文名Michael Jordan
全名Michael Jeffery Jordan(迈克尔·杰弗里·乔丹)
中文译名迈克尔·乔丹、米高·佐敦(粤语) 绰号飞人 、篮球之神、篮球上帝、帮主(国内球迷爱称)乔老大/老爷
国籍美国 出生地纽约市布鲁克林区 出生日期2/17/1963
·NBA总冠军次数6次 (90-91,91-92,92-93,95-96,96-97,97-98) ·总决赛MVP次数6次(90-91,91-92,92-93,95-96,96-97,97-98) ·常规赛MVP次数5次(87-88,90-91,91-92,95-96,97-98) ·赛季平均每场得分最高次数(得分王)10次 (86-87,87-88,88-89,89-90,90-91,91-92,92-93,95-96 ,96-97,97-98)
·最佳防守球员1次 (1987-1988赛季)
·奥运会冠军次数2次 (1984年洛杉矶奥运会,1992年巴塞罗那奥运会,) ·入选全明星次数14次(84-85,85-86,86-87,87-88,88-89,89-90,90-91,91-92,92-93,95-96,96-97,97-98,01-02,02-03)
·入选最佳阵容次数10次(87,88,89,90,91,92,93,96,97,98) ·入选最佳防守阵容次数9次(88,89,90,91,92,93,96,97,98) ·NBA1996年当选“NBA历史上最伟大的50位球员”之一
9、1995—96赛季,乔丹带领公牛队获得常规赛72胜10负的战绩,历史第一 附95-96赛季公牛队创纪录的72胜10负所败10场球 95.11.14 88-94 魔术 95.11.26 92-97 超音速95.12.26 97-103 步行者 96.02.04 99-105 掘金 96.02.06 96-106 太阳 96.02.23 104-113 热 96.03.10 72-104 尼克斯 96.03.24 108-109 猛龙 96.04.08 97-98 黄蜂 96.04.20 99-100 步行者
14、个人单赛季场均得分最高常规赛平均每场37.1分(1986-1987赛季) 15、单场比赛单节罚球命中次数最多,罚中13球。
22、后卫职业生涯的盖帽最高记录,共893次全明星赛记录 23、1997年,获得全明星赛历史上首个“三双”——14分、11个篮板、11次助攻 24、全明星抢断次数最多38次 25、连续2届扣篮大赛冠军 迄今为止只有他和理查德森、内特罗宾逊(2008-2010)卫冕扣篮冠军 26、全明星半场最高盖帽4次 27、全明星单场最高进17球 1988年全明星,乔丹在上半场盖帽4次,创造全明星半场盖帽最高记录,全场投中17球,和张伯伦分享全明星单场最高进球数 乔丹在那年全场23投17中,得到40分,8篮板,3助攻,4断球,4盖帽,得到mvp 28、单场投篮最多27次 在乔丹03的全明星,乔丹单场投篮27次,和里克巴里分享这一记录 29、全明星票王次数最多9次 1987到1993,1997和1998,乔丹9年成为全明星票王(也许姚明能打破这个记录) 30、他还有个不光彩记录,参加三分球大赛最低分5分 31、全明星投篮总数最多233次 32、全明星投中次数最多110次 33、NBA历史上第一位拥有“世纪运动员”的称号 迄今共52次登上著名体育杂志《Sports Illustrated》的封面,这也是一项记录 34、唯一做到三进三出 35、唯一能让联盟破例把已经退役的球衣23号重新穿回 36、MJ是唯一在他不曾效力的球队被挂上球衣在球馆(热火队的球馆)的球员~ 37、MJ还是唯一代表美国大学篮球队和美国梦之队分别获得奥运会金牌的球员~此记录注定是绝后的了,因为现在美国不可能再派大学队伍参加奥运会了~ 38、乔丹是历史上第一个能在复出后还带领球队连得3次NBA总冠军的人 39、01年复出时将那年的所有工资(大约100万美元)捐给911受难者,是NBA史上唯一一个捐自己全年工资的。 40、在40岁以上还在征战NBA并且在NBA打过15个赛系的情况下,职业生涯得分每个赛季都高于20分,也是前无古人的。 41、职业生涯总共有28次绝杀,历史第二;29次投失关键球,绝杀命中率几乎高达恐怖的50%。 42、为联盟带来的收入至少在100亿美元以上,为联盟中第一人,甚至可以说是世界体坛第一人 43、97-98赛季的年薪为3319万美元,是联盟史上迄今为止年薪最高 44、联盟里唯一一位复出2次的球员
NBA职业生涯芝加哥公牛(84-93、94-95[1995年3月份复出]、95-98)、华盛顿奇才(01-04) 职业生涯总得分32292分(NBA历史第三) 职业生涯总助攻5633次 职业生涯总篮板6672个 职业生涯总抢断2514次 职业生涯总盖帽893次(NBA后卫球员中历史最高) 职业生涯命中率49.7%(24537次出手,命中12192个) 职业生涯总罚球83.5%(8772罚7327中) 职业生涯三双次数28次(不含全明星赛) 职业生涯最高分69分
1、迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan),1963年2月17日生于纽约布鲁克林,美国著名篮球运动员,司职得分后卫,历史上最伟大的篮球运动员。
自迈克尔·乔丹到来并推出AIR JORDAN系列产品之后,篮球运动和运动鞋行业就发生了翻天覆地的变革。 每年都有一款AIR JORDAN运动鞋问世。这是始于1985年的年度活动,每次的新品展示吸引着愈来愈多的媒体、行业及买家大众的参与。AIR JORDAN系列球鞋在销量与市场需求方面遥遥领先于其它产品,每年为整个运动鞋行业树立起一个又一个更高的设计、创新与功能标杆。系列产品的核心在于,运动员与技术的完美结合 –篮球史上最耀眼的巨星迈克尔·乔丹,以及伴随巨星经历辉煌事业的篮球鞋,突显出他对功能、创新与成就的不懈追求。 如今,AIR JORDAN系列球鞋依然秉持系列产品的创新设计及精益求精的悠久传统。受球坛巨星辉煌成绩的鼓舞,品牌系列继续引领并塑造着运动鞋行业的未来。随着迈克尔传奇的不断发展,他为AIR JORDAN品牌系列带来的贡献也将继续发扬光大。
AIR JORDAN I: 1984年-1985年 (1985年3月)追本溯源。一个传奇的品牌诞生了,它既是功能卓越的鞋类产品,又是一种文化标志。当年它是具有革命性的产品,曾因违反了NBA的“统一着装”规定而被NBA禁止穿着。迈克尔我行我素,依然穿着它上场,遭致每场高达$5,000的罚款。,迈克尔·乔丹在联盟和国际比赛中崭露头角、在全明星赛中精彩亮相、荣膺年度新人美誉,并被波士顿凯尔特人队的传奇球星拉里·伯德戏称为是“上帝的化身—迈克尔·乔丹。”
AIR JORDAN II: 1986年-1987年 (1986年11月)86年-87年赛季对于乔丹来说是突破性的一年,他的得分记录开始直线上升。全明星赛周末中,迈克尔赢得了他的扣篮比赛冠军,并迎来了第一个得分王头衔。他以平均每场37.1分的成绩,成为继沃尔特·张伯伦(Wilt Chamberlain)之后,在整个赛季夺得3,000分的首位NBA球员。伴随他取得辉煌战绩的是由意大利制鞋大师打造的一双压花革球鞋。
AIR JORDAN III: 1987年-1988年 (1988年2月)通过突破性的创新和完美的外观,Tinker Hatfield将他设计的第一款运动鞋奉献给大家。这款鞋拥有外露式的Nike Air以及极富装饰效果的合成大象皮革褶皱。另一个具有里程碑意义的设计元素是引入了经典的“飞人”标志。在这一季中,斯派克•李(Spike Lee)饰演Mars Blackmon,出现在耐克的电视广告中,吸引了众多的追随者。乔丹也凭借着自己的首个NBA 最有价值球员、年度最佳防守球员,以及又一个扣篮比赛的冠军头衔而出尽风头。在《SLAM》杂志的一次采访中,乔丹将AJIII称作自己最钟爱的物品之一。并且根据ESPN电视台2005名观众的投票,这款鞋被评为史上最伟大的运动鞋。
AIR JORDAN IV: 1988年-1989年 (1989年2月) 透气网面内垫及超级稳定系带,外加非凡的缓震鞋底,Tinker Hatfield设计出一款富有流动性、节奏感和优雅气质的运动鞋。迈克尔以其颠覆重力的系列扣篮动作赋予了运动鞋以现实意义,外加特制鞋舌,使“快速”成为此款球鞋的标志。斯派克在影片《为所应为》(“Do The Right Thing”)中对AJIV的功能大唱颂词;最近,说唱歌手斯里克·瑞克(Slick Rick)表示,他有意将2006复古系列的篮球鞋息数收归囊中。AJ IV推出后,AIR JORDAN系列被真正地录入现代文化词典之中。
AIR JORDAN V: 1989年-1990年 (1990年2月) 鞋带锁固的合体性有所增强、反光鞋舌、透明橡胶外底更增抓地效果,迈克尔·乔丹和Hatfield用这些创新元素再度超越了前几款篮球鞋的设计。迈克尔在对阵克利夫兰队的比赛中试穿此鞋,一举夺得69分,以每场平均33.6分的成绩第四次荣膺得分王头衔。此款球鞋的设计灵感源自第二次世界大战期间的“野马”战斗机,可以在中底侧面看到战机的鲨鱼牙纹。
AIR JORDAN VI: 1990年-1991年 (1991年2月) 迈克尔在联盟效力七年之后,带领芝加哥公牛队参加NBA冠军赛,并以4-1的辉煌战绩挫败“魔术师约翰逊”领衔的洛杉矶湖人队。这是80年代的Show Time统治王朝到90年代MJ与公牛队王朝的“交接火炬”时刻。在此期间,他获得了第五个得分王头衔、第二次获得联盟最有价值球员、入选NBA全明星赛及获得总决赛最有价值球员。 AIR JORDAN VII: 1991年-1992年 (1992年2月) 配有合体构造的氯丁橡胶鞋垫的AIR JORDAN VII赋予“舒适”一词以新的意义。,公牛队在1991年-1992年赛季大唱主角,迈克尔一如既往地重新定义着篮球比赛,并将篮球场变成了他的个人秀场。“加演节目”是什么呢?《空中传奇》(“His Airness”)为本年度偶像带来第二枚总冠军戒指,还有第六个得分王头衔,更是作为美国传奇篮球队“梦之队”的一员,进军巴塞罗纳摘取奥运会金牌。
AIR JORDAN VIII: 1992年-1993年 (1993年2月) AIR JORDAN VIII是首款采用抗反向式叠领形皮革素材的球鞋、还配有Velcro系带和加厚衬垫以提高支撑性与稳定性。VIII只有三种不同的颜色组合,使其成为该品牌系列中最受欢迎的一款球鞋。迈克尔在93年决赛中的表现如日中天,创造了决赛得分最高记录,在与太阳队对决中平均夺得41分,为他蝉联第三个总冠军头衔铺平道路。
AIR JORDAN IX: 1993年-1994年 (1993年2月) 历时九年的精雕细琢,打造出此款极简主义的经典产品,球鞋大底上设计有各国标志与语言。迈克尔参与了设计,并对此款球鞋爱不释手,他却未穿此鞋参加比赛。此款球鞋的上市时间选在1993年11月即“飞人”退役前一个月,也即在他获得一而再,再而三的总冠军奖杯以及无数的个人奖项之后。迈克尔·乔丹转而追随他儿时的梦想,开始他的小职业棒球队联盟的生涯。自然地,AJIX球鞋经过重新设计后成为棒球钉鞋。
AIR JORDAN X: 1994年-1995年 (1994年11月) 此款为乔丹复出球鞋。迈克尔从棒球场重新回到篮球场,此款篮球鞋的初次感觉似曾相识。面对全世界媒体,乔丹只说了一句“我回来了。”AJX配有全掌Nike Air气垫、全粒面皮革鞋面、松紧带鞋带扣、记录了1985到1994的10年间乔丹的荣誉和特殊经历的球鞋大底,并且在美国不同城市发行时,包含了各城市的主题色彩。
AIR JORDAN XI: 1995年-1996年 (1995年11月) 此款球鞋堪称经典中的经典,迈克尔认为应当为球场带来“正规形象”,此种真知灼见正是此款球鞋的灵感所在。他在全面复出后的1995年至1996年赛季期间穿着此款XI球鞋,使XI迅速成为AIR JORDAN系列球鞋中最受欢迎的一款。另一项大胆的创新在于,AJXI在运动鞋内采用漆皮作为材料,更有号称“秘密武器”的碳素纤维弹性承托板,以及可以防止拉伸或变形的聚合物涂层鞋面,伴随迈克尔·乔丹在赛季夺得72场胜利以及第四个NBA冠军头衔。乔丹成为在单个赛季中,获得常规赛、全明星赛及总决赛最具价值球员称号的第二位球员。
AIR JORDAN XII: 1996年-1997年 (1996年11月) 首款采用Zoom Air技术的AIR JORDAN球鞋,此项技术使球鞋具有轻质缓震及迅速响应的特征。乔丹穿着此款球鞋,在与犹他州爵士队的对垒中独得38分,包括在倒数计时期间的一记三分球,而当时他是抱病参赛,以至在赛后不得不在队友斯科特·皮蓬(Scottie Pippen)的帮助下离开球场。
AIR JORDAN XIII: 1997年-1998年 (1997年11月) 超级轻质、响应超级迅速正是XIII的特点,设计灵感源自猎豹,,也源自迈克尔无比强烈的求胜欲望及在球场上灵猫般的敏捷身手。XIII配有圆润的Zoom Air气垫、仿豹眼“飞人”全息图像显得匠心独具,还有碳素纤维弹性承托板可以适应猛烈动作。在当赛季总决赛中第六场对战犹他爵士队的比赛中,乔丹上演了他最著名的投篮绝技。(事实上,他在该场比赛时穿的是提早发布的AIR JORDAN XIV球鞋。)公牛队最终夺冠,连续三年获得总冠军。芝加哥队成为NBA历史上首支二度三连冠的球队。
AIR JORDAN XIV: 1998年-1999年 (1998年10月) AJXIV堪称创新设计与工程的另一次飞跃,性能卓越的奢华乘骑,全粒面皮革素材及Zoom Air缓震气垫,外加中央通风孔更增球鞋透气性。迈克尔酷爱汽车,AJ XIV用他的大玩具法拉力M550跑车作为设计灵感。如今,拜迈克尔·乔丹的辉煌成就所赐,XIV球鞋已经荣升为经典鞋款,被许多收藏家与运动鞋专家评为最舒适的Jordan球鞋。
AIR JORDAN XV: 1999年-2000年 (1999年12月) 鞋面以特殊材料编制而成,外加符合空气动力学的设计,XV球鞋的设计受到两大飞行物的启发迈克尔·乔丹和X-15极速喷气式战斗机。而在XV的后跟上,能很明显能看到一排数字,数字依此为23,6,15,分别代表的是迈克尔·乔丹的球衣号码/总冠军次数/AIR JORDAN型号。尽管迈克尔未曾在比赛中穿着出场,但此款球鞋的设计被证明是一如既往的受欢迎。
AIR JORDAN XVI: 2000年-2001年 (2001年2月) AJXVI结合了AIR JORDAN系列产品中最让人垂涎的特征,彰显“转变”主题,鞋尖外形更方、外露式气垫重现江湖,更有独特的、可拆卸的鞋盖,将XVI从一款休闲球鞋改造成为比赛用鞋。XVI性能卓越、风格独具的设计取材于汽车、建筑以及迈克尔的转行,即从叱咤球场的球员转行出任华盛顿奇才队篮球事务部总裁。
迈克尔乔丹的臂展是2.12米/6尺11.5英寸 。
要詹姆斯 乔丹的 英文简介
体重98 公斤
迈克尔乔丹 Michael Jordan
位 置后卫
司 职后卫
1982年3月29日 作为一位新人,在一刻投中致胜一球,带领北卡罗莱纳大学队以63∶62击败乔治城大学队,获取NCAA总冠军。
1983年6月 连续获取大学最佳球员的乔丹在NBA选秀会上以首轮第三顺位被芝加哥公牛队选中。
1985年5月 以平均每场得28.2分获取年度新人王。
1991年6月12日 在总决赛第5场,乔丹独得30分,带领公牛以108∶101击败湖人赢取第一个总冠军,乔丹荣膺第一个最有价值球员。在更衣室欢庆胜利时,乔丹哭了。
1992年8月 帮助「梦之队」在巴塞罗那奥运会夺得金牌。
1993年6月 平均每场得41分,带领公牛在总决赛中战胜菲尼克斯太阳队,实现了第一次三连冠。太阳队巴克利获最有价值球员。
1994年2月7日 乔丹和大棒球联盟白袜队签约,正式成为一位职业棒球球员。
1994年11月1日 公牛在新球馆联合中心球馆宣布,乔丹在公牛队的23号球衣正式退役。
1995年3月18日 乔丹身着45号球衣重返NBA,参加了对步行者的第一场篮球比赛。
1996年6月16日 乔丹打满了整个赛季,带领公牛在总决赛中战胜超音速队,拉开了第二个三连冠的序幕,他也获得第8个得分王、总决赛MVP和全明星赛MVP。
1998年6月14日 公牛战胜爵士夺取第六个NBA总冠军,乔丹第二次连续三年荣膺得分王,再获总决赛MVP和全明星赛MVP。
1999年1月13日 在芝加哥正式宣布退役,带着5个MVP、6个总冠军MVP、10个得分王和12次全明星荣誉离开NBA。
2000年1月20日 正式宣布成为华盛顿巫师队新老板。
ajdivan amaner是什么品牌?
是Nike旗下的系列,是专门为著名篮球运动员迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan)所创立的运动系列。这个系列的主要产品为篮球鞋。空中飞人(Air Jordan)是耐克旗下以史上最著名的NBA球星迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan)命名的系列
Michael Jordan 介绍他的生日 成长经历 并说你喜欢他的理由 用英语 急~~~~
The God in Youth: Michael Jordan
There were already signs that he had a good deal of talent. Harvest Smith, a classmate and close friend who in those days played basketball with him practically every day, thought he was the best player on their ninth-grade team — he was small, but he was every quick. “You’d see him get a shot off, and you’d wonder how he did it, because he wasn’t that bit,” Smith said, “but it was the quickness. The only question was how big he was going to be — and how far up he would take his skill level.” The summer after ninth grade, Jordan and Smith both went to Pop Herring’s basketball camp. Neither of them had yet e into his body, and almost all of the varsity players, two and sometimes three years older, seemed infinitely stronger at that moment when a year or two in physical development can make all the difference. In Smith’s mind there was no doubt which of the two of them was the better player—it was Michael by far. But on the day the varsity cuts were announced — it was the big day of the year, for they had all known for weeks when the list would be posted — he and Roy Smith had gone to the Laney gym. Smith’s name was on it, Michael’s was not.
It was the worst day of Jordan’s young life. The list was alphabetical, so he focused on where the Js should be, and it wasn’t there, and he kept reading and rereading the list, hoping somehow that he had missed it, or that the alphabetical listing had been done incorrectly. That day he went home by himself and went to his room and cried. Smith understood what was happening — Michael, he knew, never wanted you to see him when he was hurt. “We knew Michael was good,” Fred Lynch, the Laney assistant coach, said later, “but we wanted him to play more and we thought the jayvee was better for him.” He easily became the best player on the jayvee that year. He simply dominated the play, and he did it not by size but with quickness. There were games in which he would score forty points. He was so good, in fact, that the jayvee games became quite popular. The entire varsity began to e early so they could watch him play in the jayvee games. Smith noticed that while Jordan had been wildly petitive before he had been cut, after the cut he seemed even more petitive than ever, as if determined that it would never happen again. His coaches noticed it, too. “The first time I ever saw him, I had no idea who Michael Jordan was. I was helping to coach the Laney varsity,” said Ron Coley. “We went over to Goldsboro, which was our big rival, and I entered the gym when the jayvee game was just ending up. There were nine players on the court just coasting, but there was one kid playing his heart out. The way he was playing I thought his team was down one point with two minutes to play. So I looked up at the clock and his team was down twenty points and there was only one minute to play. It was Michael, and I quickly learned he was always like that.”
Between the time he was cut and the start of basketball in his junior year, Jordan grew about four inches. The speed had always been there, and now he was stronger, and he could dunk .His hands had gotten much bigger, Smith noticed. He was as driven as ever, the hardest-working player on the team in practice. If he thought that his teammates were not working hard enough, he would get on them himself, and on oasion he pushed the coaches to get on them. Suddenly Laney High had the beginning of a very good basketball team, and its rising star was Michael Jordan.
he is a god!!!!
His athleticism and fierce petitiveness frightened his opponents,but his graciousness made him an American and international icon.He is most famous as the face of Nike,the athletics shoe and clothing pany whose products he has endorsed for the past decade.
Jordan quickly became a multi-millionaire,thanks to lucrative product endorsement deals such as his Nike promotion.As his fortune grew he put money back into the munity,creating a foundation to fund athletics facilities and other projects for children from the inner city of Chicago,his adopted home.Jordan is reported to be the celebrity with whom most American children feel most fortable,and American adults once placed him fifth on a list of all-time“most respected newsmakers.”
But not everyone thought well of him.Some critics said he set a bad example,on and off the basketball court.He gambled;sometimes he mocked opponents during game and when the Nike pany was aused of unfair labour practices,he virtually ignored the controversy.Certain black Americans aused him of dismissing less fortunate blacks,many of whom could not afford the expensive shoes marketed by Nike under the “Air Jordan”brand.
His easy charm ensured that he remained popular with the vast majority of basketball supporters,despite these criticisms.And none of those who criticised his behavior could do the same when it came to his athletic performance.Nobody could undermine his achievements.
Jordan was born on February 17,1963,is 1.98 meters tall and weighs 98kg.College players of the Year in 1983-4,he joined the struggling Chicago Bulls team for the 1984 season.By the next year,the Bulls had started a winning streak.In the 1986 season Jordan shot 3041 points,the third-highest score ever.In 1987 he was named the National Basketball Association (NBA) Slam Dunk Champion.He first won the Most valuable player award in 1988,an honour repeated four times in the 10 years to 1998.He guided his team to six championship wins during the 1990s,scoring 45 points during the sixth and last game of the 1998 NBA finals including the winning point in the game’s closing seconds.
Over his career,Jordan captured 10 consecutive scoring titles.His jumping ability at goal was matched by excellent court and team play.Jordan retired from the club and the game in 1993,in pursuit of a dream to play basketball,but he returned to the baketball court and the Chicago Bulls in 1995.
In 1996 he was named one of the 50 greatest players in history.
2.Michael Jordan, the best known athlete in the world, is a leading scorer in the National Basketball Association (NBA), who led the Chicago Bulls to many recent NBA championships. He is, by far, and will be for a time to e, the best basketball player in the history of the game. Jordan was born in Brooklyn, New York, and raised in Wilmington, North Carolina. He aepted a basketball scholarship from the University of North Carolina and as a freshman scored the winning basket in the 1982 NCAA championship game against the Hoyas of Geetown. Jordan was selected college player of the year for the 1983-1984 season, and in 1984 he led the United States basketball team to a gold medal at the Olympic Games in Los Angeles.
Jordan left college in 1984 to play with the Bulls. He finished his first season (1984-1985) as one of the scorers in the league, with an average of 28.2 points per game. He was also named rookie of the year and made the first of his nine All-Star game appearances. Jordan finished the 1986-1987 season as the second player, after Wilt Chamberlain, to score more than 3000 points in a single season. He led the NBA in scoring for seven consecutive seasons (1987-1993), tying Chamberlain’s record, and averaged more than 30 points per game in each season. He also became the Bulls’ all-time leading scorer and set numerous scoring records, including most points in a playoff game (63 points against the Boston Celtics in 1986); and highest scoring average for an NBA championship series (41 points per game in the 1993 NBA finals). He led the Chicago Bulls to their first NBA championship title in 1991; with Jordan, the Bulls won again in 1992 and 1993. In addition to his three league Most Valuable Player awards (1988, 1991, 1992), Jordan won the All-Star game MVP award twice (1988, 1996) and a record three-consecutive NBA championship series MVP awards (1991-1993). Jordan was also a member of the United States Olympic basketball team, known as the Dream Team, that captured the gold medal at the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona, Spain.
Stating that he had lost his desire to play professional basketball, Jordan announced his retirement prior to the 1993-1994 season. Initially noted for his scoring, his tenacious defensive play had made him one of the greatest all-around basketball players in NBA history. He had also bee a worldwide celebrity due to his suess in the NBA and the Olympics, and his numerous mercial endorsements.
Early in 1994 Jordan returned to professional sports, this time as a baseball player. He signed a minor league contract with the Chicago White Sox of the American League (AL), reported to spring training, and was assigned to the team’s minor league system. That summer he batted .202 with the Birmingham Barons, a class AA affiliate of the White Sox. Later in the year he batted .252 with the Scottsdale Scorpions in the Arizona Fall League. Jordan ended his retirement from professional basketball by rejoining the Bulls near the end of the 1994-1995 NBA regular season. In the 1995-1996 season he enjoyed another great year, leading the NBA in scoring with 30.4 points per game and being named league MVP. The Bulls also became the first NBA team to win 70 games in a season, finishing with 72 victories, and they went on to win the NBA championship title. Jordan was named MVP of the NBA finals, being the first player to earn the honor four times.
回答者lovingfigo – 见习魔法师 二级 11-26 20:08
Jordan was born in Brooklyn, New York, and raised in Wilmington, North Carolina. He aepted a basketball scholarship from the University of North Carolina and as a freshman scored the winning basket in the 1982 NCAA championship game against the Hoyas of Geetown. Jordan was selected college player of the year for the 1983-1984 season, and in 1984 he led the United States basketball team to a gold medal at the Olympic Games in Los Angeles.
Jordan left college in 1984 to play with the Bulls. He finished his first season (1984-1985) as one of the scorers in the league, with an average of 28.2 points per game. He was also named rookie of the year and made the first of his nine All-Star game appearances. He has six championship rings to back up his claim, including 3 straight from 1991-1993, and 3 more in 1996-1998. Michael was named the NBA Finals MVP in all of those titles. He’s won them all with Scottie Pippen. In 1991, Jordan’s Bulls finally overcame the greatest impediment to their team’s suess, Isiah Thomas’ Detroit Pistons, who had regularly eliminated the Bulls from the playoffs. In 1993 he averaged 41.0 ppg in the finals, for a record. This 6-6 superstar guard is a perennial NBA first teamer (10 times from 1987-1993 and 1996 and again as a unanimous selection in 1997 and 1998). He was once again an All-NBA First Team member in 1996 after making his return from baseball. You can always pencil Mike in as the starting guard for the all-star game (12 appearances in 1985 and from 1987-1993 and again in 1997). He started for the ninth time in 1997, as the first player EVER to receive more that 2 million votes. In the 1997 Game he became the first player ever to record a triple double in the all-star game with 14 points, 11 rebounds and 11 asssists. Jordan was not named MVP that year (Glen Rice received that honor), but he did win the Game’s MVP award in 1988 after scoring 40 points and again in 1996. Jordan was once again elected to start (10th time in 12 appearances) in 1998 after leading the eastern conference in voting.
Jordan holds the record for most career scoring titles with eight, including 7 straight, also a record. He scores so many points that it is almost unfair to pare him with other players. On November 6, 1996 Michael scored 50 points for the 36th time in his career! Jordan eclipsed the 25,000 career points total, and he continues to dominate in that statistical category. He was the tenth player to score that many points, acplishing the feat against San Antonio on November 30, 1996, with his 35th point of the game. Oh yeah, he’s also the Bull’s All-Time leading scorer, no surprise there. His career scoring average of around 32 ppg is the best of all-time…even better than Wilt and Jordan never scored 100 points in a game. On 12/30/97 Jordan broke Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s record of scoring in double digits in 788 consecutive games. He will undoubtedly bury this record, as there is no end in sight to his double-digit habits. He ended the season with 840 consecutive games. Michael Jordan is the greatest athlete in basketball history. During his brilliant career, Jordan won 6 NBA Championships, earned 5 MVP awards and was selected to 12 All-Star games.