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最近很多妹纸们在搜集关于greenfield什么意思中文的解答,今天麦编为大家甄选10条解答来给大家指点迷津! 有79%老玩家认为greenfield什么意思中文_greenfield的汉语值得一读!



greenfield adj. 未开发地区的;待开发地区的; 形近词:Greenfield 双语例句 1 And the higher of the corporation ’ s growth rate, the more likely to use the mode of greenfield. 而企业的成长率越高,越可能采用新建进入。翻译成汉语是什么

greenfield ventures 指 创立新事业


The New York Times 5月4日题为 As China Invests, U.S. Could Lose中有这样一段话: But China is still a relatively small player in overseas direct investments, which include purchases of large, voting stakes in foreign panies and plants. That also includes investments in new construction projects on previously undeveloped land — so-called greenfield facilities. (原文地址: 其中的greenfield facilities没有太看明白,google查了一下,找到了一个相关的词条:greenfield investment Invesedia的解释: A form of foreign direct investment where a parent pany starts a new venture in a foreign country by constructing new operational facilities from the ground up. In addition to building new facilities, most parent panies also create new long-term jobs in the foreign country by hiring new employees. Green field investments our when multinational corporations enter into developing countries to build new factories and/or stores. Developing countries often offer prospective panies tax-breaks, subsidies and other types of incentives to set up green field investments. Governments often see that losing corporate tax revenue is a small price to pay if jobs are created and knowledge and technology is gained to boost the country's human capital. 的解释: 绿地投资又称创建投资或新建投资,是指跨国公司等投资主体在东道国境内依照东道国的法律设置的部分或全部资产所有权归外国投资者所有的企业。创建投资会直接导致东道国生产能力、产出和就业的增长。
绿地投资作为国际直接投资中获得实物资产的重要方式是源远流长的。早期跨国公司的海外拓展业务基本上都是采用这种方式。绿地投资有两种形式:一是建立国际独资企业,其形式有国外分公司,国外子公司和国外避税地公司;二是建立国际合资企业,其形式有股权式合资企业和契约式合资企业。 中文解释没有英文解释来的简明,结合起来可能更加清楚。以下是一些例句: Investment trends in IT, on the other hand, offer more positive signs: most such investmentin developing countries is greenfield investment, resulting in a increase in their production facilities. UNCTAD: Press releases 2002 In Poland and Hungary, FDI rose (in the latter slightly), while in the Russian Federation and the Czech Republic it declined, in the latter despite a continued increase of greenfieldinvestment. UNCTAD: CENTRAL, EASTERN EUROPEAN TRANSNATIONALS SET TO BECOME While the distribution of FDI by industry shows a concentration in the mining industry in terms of value, the manufacturing sector aounted for 39 of the total number of greenfieldinvestment projects in 200
9. UNCTAD: Press releases 2010 This is a study on the multinational corporations choice of entry: whether through greenfield investment or merger acquisition. 和greenfield investment相对的就是brownfield investment, 称作褐地投资 A related term to Greenfield Investment which is being popular is Brownfield Investment, where a site previously used for a dirty business purpose, such as a steel mill or oil refinery, is cleaned up and used for a less polluting purpose, such as mercial office space or a residential area. When a pany or government entity purchases or leases existing production facilities to launch a new production activity. This is one strategy used in foreign-direct investment. 这样看来,博文开始所引《纽约时报》报道中的greenfield facilities,综合以上释义,应该可以翻译为绿地投资项目。


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greenfield investment 绿地投资;新建投资;全新zhidao投资项目 双语例句
1.MA and Greenfield Investment will exemplify and have the overflowing effect, but they will also bring with them potential risks. 并购和绿地投资都将在一定程度上版给受资国经济带来溢出效应和示范作用。
2.At present, foreign direct investment of transnational corporations has grown from greenfield investment-oriented to the main cross-border M A. 目前跨国公司对外直接投资方式已经从绿地投资为主转变为跨国并购为权主。


你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下: Greenfield Investment 绿地投资 希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳是什么意思啊?

green-field project, 绿场部署项目。绿场部署是指在以前没有网络的地方,如新的办公室,安装和配置网络。该词源自于在杂草丛生的处女地上建立新工厂时所发生的转变,就是新的项目哦


The Good, The Bad The Queen - Green Fields I wrote this song years ago late at night somewhere on the Goldhawk Road I was never sure how or why Before the war and the tidal wave engulfed us all it's true how the world has changed And I was learning how to change with you We saw the green fields Turn into stone Such lonely homes All in a badman's dream He ain't await It's a dream In the darkest hour the song had gone it passed among the people I hardly knew I was losing it all the time But she stayed with me and found me out and above all things I've learnt It's that honesty that secures the bond in the heart We saw the green fields Turn into stone Such lonely homes All in a badman's dream He ain't await It's a dream


D-Link DI-8系路由器产品用户手册 高级选项-PHY 模式:指物理层。四种模式分别对应四种无线网络标准: CK-80
2.11n;一般我们选择 CCK 模式。
2.WDS 模式:WDS 模式需要填写对方设备的 BSSID,本机的 SSID 则被屏蔽,只是作为中继模式的 SSID 的扩展形式。 MAC 地址:需要连接到的设备的 BSSID 地址。 加密类型:WEP、TKIP 和 AES 三种,WEP 采用 WEP 密钥进行加密,TKIP 采用了暂时密钥集成协议,AES 采用对称分组密码体制。当 WDS 连接的 AP 所设置的加密方式必须一样时,连接才能生效。 密钥:相应的密码,至少为 8 个字符。 高级选项-PHY 模式:指物理层。四种模式分别对应四种无线网络标准: CCK-80
2.11n;一般我们选择 CCK 模式。
3.AP WDS 模式:AP WDS 模式也要填写所需要连接 AP 的 BSSID,本机 AP 作为核心,其他的 AP 只是作为中继的一个扩展形式。


Greenfield吧? 现代流行绿色食品,这应该是绿色农产品基地的意思。 Guangxi Greenfield Agricultural Product Processing Co., Ltd. 广西绿园农产品加工有限公司 希望对你有帮助!

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