
田径运动 2022-11-30 09:14www.1689878.com田径世锦赛




整句结构可处理为:主干 结果状语。
“不仅、还”可以套用“not only...but also...”,主干部分译为:
The increasingly severe land desertification has not only worsened the ecological environment, but also decreased the quality and quantity of resources.
(2)结果状语可以自然而然地想到用thus 非谓语动词,句中的“影响”为负面影响,根据具体搭配的宾语,“影响……生产和生活”可对应动词或短语“disturb;interferewith;holdback”,或选择动词 表示“影响”的名词词组,如“pose a threat to; leave an impact on; be a drag on”。结果状语部分可译为:
..., thus adversely interfering with/hitting/disturbing industrial and agricultural production and people’s lives and posing a serious threat to/leaving an impact on/being a drag on national unity and social stability.


It has bee a major constraint that holds back the economic and social development of China’s central and western regions, especially Northwest China.
The increasingly severe land desertification has not only worsened the ecological environment, but also decreased the quality and quantity of resources, thus adversely interfering with industrial and agricultural production and people’s lives and posing a serious threat to national unity and social stability. It has bee a major constraint that holds back the economic and social development of China’s central and western regions, especially Northwest China.

Worsening desertification has led to environmental degradation and lowered resource quality and quantity.Asit disrupts industrial and agricultural production and the lives of local residents, desertification has damaged China’s national unity and social stability.


Worsening desertification has led to environmental degradation and lowered resource quality and quantity. As it disrupts industrial and agricultural production and the lives of local residents, desertification has damaged China’s national unity and social stability. Moreover, it has bee a major constraint on economic and social development in the country’s central and western regions, especially in Northwest China.

冒号后为“后果”具体内容,翻译时可直接看作“在中国,土地沙漠化加剧人地矛盾,缩小人类生存空间”;“加剧人地矛盾”可灵活处理为“加剧 人地矛盾”或“导致 人地矛盾加剧”,于是就有了以下两种译文:
In China, desertificationintensifies the contradiction(between man and earth) and reduces living spaces/erodes human living space.
In China, land desertificationleads to an intensified contradiction(between people and land) as it is eroding human living space.

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