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开学第043天:垃圾分类召集会 任务分工查仔细

2021-10-13 Wednesday周三Sunny晴Reflect upon your present blessings of which every man has many — not on your past misfortunes of which all men have some.—Charles Dickens 想想你目前拥有的幸福,这每人都有很多 — 别回想以前的不幸,这每人或多或少都有一点。 —查尔斯‧狄更斯

Charles Dickens was born in England, and is regarded as the greatest writer of the Victorian era. His works describe a wide range of social scenes. He wrote 15 novels, essays, travel notes, current affairs reviews, plays, poems and so on. Among them, A Tale of Two Cities and Oliver Twist are the most famous.查尔斯·狄更斯出生英国,被认作维多利亚时代最伟大的作家,作品描绘包罗万象的社会情景,著有 15 部长篇小说,还有随笔、游记、时事评论、戏剧、诗歌等,其中以《双城记》及《孤雏泪》最为知名。词汇注释:reflect vt.反映;反射,照出;表达;显示;反省; vi. 反射,映现;深思。present adj. 现在的;出席的;(事物)存在的 n.礼物;现在,目前。 v. 颁发;赠送;提出;展现;使发生。blessings n.幸事,福祉;祝福(blessing复数)。past adj.过去的,从前的,以往的;刚过去的。misfortunes n.厄运;不幸;不幸的事故(或情况、事件) (misfortune的复数)。To make a booklet about school life through cooperation and exploration. To present the oute of group work. To evaluate and ment on each other’s work. A small thin book with a paper cover that contains information about a particular subject. A good booklet has a concise and informative text, a well-anized design, and a neat layout with eye-catching and colorful pictures. Implementation:What ic will you choose to include in your booklet? Why did you choose this ic? How will you research your chosen ic? How will you anize your ideas based on your ic? What ic do you choose to include in the booklet about the school life? Why do you choose this ic? How will you research your chosen ic? How will you anize your ideas based on your ic? What pictures will you include in your booklet? It’s very logical. Details are included so it is easy for readers to understand the features of the optional course. The plain language style sets a good example to us. The booklet will be more convincing and vivid if more pictures of their classroom, or their works, are added. It is a good idea to start with general questions and then move on to specific ones, eg: Can you tell me something about the history of our school? (general) When was the main teaching building built? (specific) Besides words, we also need pictures for our booklet. We can take photos or download pictures from our school website. Make sure all words and pictures are laid out neatly and beautifully. As a group, put together our information to make our part of the booklet. Use the example below to help us. Present our part to the rest of the class. Then as a class, put all the parts together to make the booklet. How to make a booklet? A cover page; A picture; Content: General information、Specific information; A back page. Read the booklet and appreciate the work of other groups. Reflect on the booklet and think about how we can make the school a better place. Write a letter to our school principal presenting our suggestions.


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