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ground(s): factors forming a basis for action or the justification for a belief. 构成出于某种信念采取的行动或辩解的基础因素

There are no grounds for placency in a very petitive society.


ground(s) for doing something/to do something: 做某事的理由

to have good/no grounds for plaint: 有充分理由/没有理由抱怨

on the ground(s)s of...:以...为由

cause: a principle, aim or movement that, because of a deep mitment, one is prepared to defend or advocate. 由于极大的责任,某人准备去捍卫或者拥护的某原则、目的或者运动

I'm raising money for a good cause. 我为了一个充分的理由正在筹钱。

to give cause for concern: 令人担忧

to have cause to do something: 有理由做某事

with/without good cause: 理由充分地/无缘无故地

excuse: a reason or explanation given to justify a fault or offence. 为了让某个失误或者罪过看起来是合理的而给出的理由或者解释

There is no excuse for any further delay. 没有理由再有延误了。

an excuse for something/doing something: 某事物/做某事的理由

there is no excuse for something/doing something: 某事/做某事是毫无理由的

without excuse: 无故地

Any excuse for a day off! 只要能休息一天,什么理由都行!

basis: the underlying support or foundation for an idea, argument or process. 某个想法、辩论或者程序背后的支持证据或根据

Trust is the only basis for a good working relationship. 信任是良好工作人际关系的唯一基础。

on the basis of/that...: 基于...

to be/form the basis for something: 是/构成某事物的基础


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