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get v. 获得;收到;

短语:1. get…back 退还……;送回去;取回; 返回,回到某地;回复某人(电话,信笺)

例如:You’d better get back home and get the books back.


The ship got back to the port yesterday. 船昨天回到了码头。

He is waiting for my reply, but I haven’t got bake to him.


2.get close (to) 接近
3.get down 降下
4. get in 进入, 收获,达到

例如:The train got in late. 火车到站误点了。

The farmers are getting the crops in. 农民们正在收割庄稼。

5. get in the way 妨碍

6. get off 下车。

例如:We will get off at the next bus s . 我们将在下一站下车。

7. get on 上车。

例如:I get on the train every moning at 6:30.我每天早晨六点半上火车。

8.get on / along (well)with 和……相处(很好)。

例如:How are you getting along with your classmates?


9. get the first / second place 获得第一名/第二名。

例如;This time he got the first place in the exam. 这次他考试得了第一名。

10. get up 起床,起身。

例如:Get up early or you’ll be late for school. 快点起床,否则你上学晚了。

11. get to 到达 例如:He just got to Beijing. 他刚刚到达北京。

12. get out 出去;离开 get out of 从……出来

例如:You should get out of your room.你应该从房间里出来。

13. get over 克服;恢复;原谅

例如:She can’t get over shyness.她克服不掉羞怯感。

14.get together 聚会,联欢

例如:We must get together for a drink some time.


15. get up 起床

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