
沙滩排球 2022-11-28 09:46www.1689878.com沙滩排球


1、tired是普通用词,词意笼统。既可指因劳累过度丧失力气而疲劳,也可指干某事久了而失去耐心,感到乏味、厌烦。有时用作宾语补足语。常用词组和短语有:be tired of“对...厌烦”,be tired out “累级了”,be tired with(from)“因....而疲劳”

例句1:I am so tired that I could sleep for a week.我疲劳得能睡上一个星期。

例句2:The old teacher felt tired with correcting the students’ exercises for hours.那位老教师批改学生作业数小时感到疲劳。

例句3: The child felt tired of this toy, and he was crying for an exchange of another.这孩子读这个玩具烦厌了,哭着想换一个。

2、exhausted 是指已无足够的剩余精力或耐力继续做某事。强调能力耗损到疲惫不堪的地步。它的程度比tired和weary更重。在剧中作表语、状语。

例句1:He slowly walked out of the laboratory,weary and exhausted.它蹒跚地走出了实验室,困乏而疲惫不堪。

例句2:Exhausted by play, the child could not eat.玩得过于疲劳,那孩子吃不下东西。

3、weary 是书面语。指感觉疲劳。着重强调疲劳到不愿或不能再继续干下去的程度,也指由于疲劳而对所干的事情产生厌烦。“对.....感到厌烦”用be weary of短语

例句:I am weary of hearing about your problems.我听腻了你哪些麻烦事。

总结: tired、exhausted和weary都可以表示“疲劳的”,而疲劳程度上,exhausted是最重,weary侧重书面语表达,tired和weary 都可以搭配介词of表示对某事厌烦。

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