
沙滩排球 2022-11-26 20:42www.1689878.com沙滩排球

本文由体育爱好者Dana Chavez投稿,除了,我们还提供了内马尔的点球命中率,日本队和巴西队,巴西1,希望本文能为您找到想要的体育资讯。




1、 1934年1/4决赛意大利1-1西班牙,


3、1950年乌拉圭 2:2 西班牙(决赛圈循环赛)

4、1986年法国 1-1 巴西 (点球5-4)、西德 0-0 墨西哥 (点球4-1)、比利时 2-2 西班牙 (点球6-5)

5、1990年阿根廷 0-0 南斯拉夫(点球3-2)

6、1994年瑞典 2:2 罗马尼亚(点球5比4)


8、2002年韩国 0:0 西班牙(120分钟5:3)

9、2006年德国 0: 0阿根廷(120分钟5:3)


11、2014年荷兰 0:0 哥斯达黎加点球(点球4:3)




国际足联世界杯(FIFA World Cup)简称“世界杯”,是全世界国家级别球队参与,象征足球界最高荣誉、并具有最大知名度和影响力的足球赛事,世界杯全球电视转播观众超过35亿。








世界杯单场最高进球 在世界杯赛决赛阶段一场入球最高纪录是于第五届世界杯赛中奥地利队与瑞士队一役中创造的。该场比赛双方加起来总共攻进了12球,比分最终定格在7:5,进球大战以奥地利队的胜出结束。世界杯单届比赛进球最多的纪录由匈牙利保持。在1954年世界杯的比赛中,匈牙利队采用四前锋的阵型,掀起国际足坛的第一次技术革命。由柯奇士、希代古提、齐博尔和普斯卡斯组成的前锋线锐利无比,一共打进27个进球。 1982年世界杯的小组赛中,匈牙利以10比1狂胜萨尔瓦多,由此也创造了世界杯历史上比分最悬殊的纪录。 世界杯决赛阶段一届比赛个人进球最多的纪录 13个,由法国的球员方丹在1958年世界杯上创造。在这届世界杯上,方丹的射门”魔术”大显神通。在首场对乌拉圭的比赛中,方丹一人独进3球,法国队以7∶3获胜。在复赛法国队以4∶0战胜北爱尔兰的比赛中,方丹一人独进两球。半决赛法国队遇到势头强劲的巴西队,最终没能取胜,但方丹仍然攻进一球。在与西德队争夺第三名的比赛中,方丹连连发威,4次破门,一次比一次精彩,最后法国队以6∶3取胜。他以13粒入球载入史册,一举成为世界超一流球星,也成了法国人心目中的英雄。13粒入球使他毫无争议地荣膺最佳射手称号,同时也创造了世界杯单届进球的最高记录。 世界杯决赛阶段一场比赛个人进球最多的纪录 5个,由前俄罗斯队的萨连科创造。本届杯赛俄罗斯首场比赛败给了巴西,萨连科替补上场20分钟,在这场0比2失利的比赛中,他没有什么表现。第二场比赛对瑞典队,他获得了第一次打满90分钟的机会,尽管开场4分钟萨连科就破门,但这个进球没有给俄罗斯带来什么,最终他们还是以1比3败北。 两场失利使得最后一场同喀麦隆(Cameroon)的比赛毫无意义,但对于萨连科来说,这却是他人生中最重要的一场比赛,从第5分钟到第75分钟,他5次粉碎了非洲雄狮的防线,也让自己成为了世界杯的焦点人物。这些进球是他足球生涯的最高峰。他和保加利亚的传奇射手斯托伊奇科夫分享了该届世界杯金靴奖的荣誉。此后,一系列的膝盖伤痛限制了他的发展,2001年他宣布退役,留下了117个进球的成绩。



世界杯(FIFA World Cup)即国际足联世界杯,是世界上最高荣誉、最高规格、最高竞技水平、最高知名度的足球比赛,与奥运会并称为全球体育两大最顶级赛事,甚至是影响力和转播覆盖率超过奥运会的全球最大体育盛事。




  • 最佳球员:罗马里奥(巴西)

  • 最佳射手:斯托伊奇科夫(保加利亚),萨连科(俄罗斯)6球

  • 最佳阵容:(433)

  • 守门员:普雷德霍姆(比利时)

  • 后卫:尤尔金霍(巴西),巴雷西(意大利),桑托斯(巴西),马尔迪尼(意大利)

  • 中场:布罗林(瑞典),邓加(巴西),巴拉科夫(保加利亚)前锋:巴乔(意大利),罗马里奥(巴西),斯托伊奇科夫(保加利亚)












个人认为荷兰的胜率高点 因为荷兰的阿贾克斯的命中率较高点 个人认为应该是阿根廷吧 只是自己比较看好阿根廷 详细就不是太清楚




  (2:2, 0:0) 4:3 PSO
  MARQUINHO (24’15”) VINICIUS (36’23”)
  TORRAS (27’57”) ALVARO (38’28”)



  The match kicks off.
  0’24” Brazil sees an effort go off target.
  1’09” Brazil mit a foul.
  1’10” Spain strike their free-kick wide.
  1’46” Brazil sees their effort hit the target.
  1’47” A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Spain.
  1’48” Brazil sees an effort go off target.
  1’52” Spain sees their effort hit the target.
  1’53” A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Brazil.
  2’02” Spain take a corner kick.
  2’05” Spain sees an effort go off target.
  2’35” Brazil sees their effort hit the target.
  2’35” Brazil swing in the corner.
  2’36” A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Spain.
  2’47” Brazil concede a free-kick following a challenge on Spain.
  3’59” Brazil sees their effort hit the target.
  3’59” Brazil take a corner kick.
  3’60” A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Spain.
  4’29” Brazil sees their effort hit the target.
  4’29” Brazil swing in the corner.
  4’30” A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Spain.
  4’50” Brazil sees an effort go off target.
  5’21” Spain are penalised following a foul.
  5’51” Brazil mit a foul.
  6’38” Spain concede a free-kick following a challenge on Brazil.
  6’44” Brazil strike their free-kick wide.
  7’24” Spain sees their effort hit the target.
  7’24” Spain take a corner kick.
  7’25” A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Brazil.
  7’26” Spain sees an effort go off target.

  7’45” FRANKLIN (Brazil) is booked by the referee.
  7’47” Spain sees an effort go off target.
  8’09” Spain sees their effort hit the target.
  8’10” A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Brazil.
  8’38” Brazil sees an effort go off target.
  8’51” Spain sees an effort go off target.
  9’45” Brazil sees an effort go off target.
  9’45” Brazil swing in the corner.
  9’48” Brazil sees an effort go off target.
  9’48” Brazil take a corner kick.
  10’11” Brazil sees their effort hit the target.
  10’12” A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Spain.
  10’48” Spain sees an effort go off target.

  11’08” J.RODRIGUEZ (Spain) is yellow carded.
  11’11” Spain are penalised following a foul.
  11’12” Brazil strike their free-kick wide.
  12’05” Brazil sees their effort hit the target.
  12’05” Brazil swing in the corner.
  12’06” A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Spain.
  12’15” Brazil sees their effort hit the target.
  12’16” A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Spain.
  12’56” Spain requested a Time-Out.
  12’56” Spain sees an effort go off target.
  12’56” Spain take a corner kick.
  13’20” Spain sees an effort go off target.
  15’12” Brazil sees an effort go off target.
  15’16” Brazil mit a foul.
  15’17” Spain strike their free-kick wide.
  16’02” Brazil sees an effort go off target.
  16’02” Brazil swing in the corner.
  16’30” Brazil sees an effort go off target.
  16’44” Spain sees their effort hit the target.
  16’44” Spain take a corner kick.
  16’45” A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Brazil.
  16’50” Brazil sees an effort go off target.
  17’37” Spain concede a free-kick following a challenge on Brazil.

  17’38” SCHUMACHER (Brazil) is cautioned.
  17’39” Brazil sees their effort hit the target.
  17’39” Brazil swing in the corner.
  17’40” A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Spain.
  17’40” Brazil sees an effort go off target.
  18’14” Spain sees an effort go off target.
  19’09” Brazil sees their effort hit the target.
  19’10” A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Spain.
  19’26” Brazil requested a Time-Out.
  19’26” Spain are penalised following a foul.
  19’35” Brazil mit a foul.
  20’00” Brazil sees their effort hit the target.
  20’00” A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Spain.

  The referee brings the first half to an end.

  The second half kicks off.
  20’27” Brazil sees an effort go off target.
  21’05” Spain sees their effort hit the target.
  21’05” Spain take a corner kick.
  21’06” A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Brazil.
  21’07” Spain sees an effort go off target.
  24’15” Brazil swing in the corner.

  24’15” ?(1 – 0) MARQUINHO (Brazil) scores!!
  25’08” Spain sees an effort go off target.
  26’40” Spain take a corner kick.
  26’59” Spain concede a free-kick following a challenge on Brazil.
  27’43” Brazil are penalised following a foul.

  27’57” ?(1 – 1) TORRAS (Spain) scores!!
  28’12” Brazil sees their effort hit the target.
  28’13” A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Spain.
  28’34” Brazil mit a foul.
  29’00” Spain concede a free-kick following a challenge on Brazil.
  31’16” Spain swing in the corner.
  32’37” Spain mit a foul.
  32’37” Brazil strike their free-kick wide.
  32’37” Brazil are penalised following a foul.
  34’32” Spain concede a free-kick following a challenge on Brazil.
  35’16” Brazil sees an effort go off target.
  35’22” Brazil are penalised following a foul.
  35’26” Spain take a corner kick.
  36’14” Brazil sees their effort hit the target.
  36’14” Brazil swing in the corner.
  36’15” A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Spain.
  36’21” Brazil sees their effort hit the target.
  36’21” Brazil sees their effort hit the target.
  36’22” A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Spain.
  36’22” A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Spain.

  36’23” ?(2 – 1) VINíCIUS (Brazil) scores!!
  36’39” Spain requested a Time-Out.
  36’46” Spain mit a foul.
  37’25” Spain sees an effort go off target.
  38’15” Brazil concede a free-kick following a challenge on Spain.

  38’28” ?(2 – 2) ALVARO (Spain) scores!!
  38’49” Brazil sees their effort hit the target.
  38’49” Brazil take a corner kick.
  38’50” A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Spain.
  38’50” Brazil swing in the corner.
  39’28” Brazil sees their effort hit the target.
  39’28” Brazil take a corner kick.
  39’29” A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Spain.
  39’41” Spain swing in the corner.
  39’49” Spain are penalised following a foul.

  End of regular time – extra time to follow…

  The referee signals the start of the first period of extra time.
  40’46” Brazil sees an effort go off target.
  40’51” Spain sees their effort hit the target.
  40’52” A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Brazil.
  41’08” Brazil sees an effort go off target.
  41’22” Brazil sees an effort go off target.
  41’22” Brazil take a corner kick.
  42’14” Brazil sees their effort hit the target.
  42’15” A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Spain.
  43’52” Brazil sees their effort hit the target.
  43’53” A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Spain.
  44’28” Brazil sees an effort go off target.
  44’30” Spain swing in the corner.
  44’37” Spain sees their effort hit the target.
  44’38” A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Brazil.
  44’45” Spain sees their effort hit the target.
  44’46” A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Brazil.

  The referee blows for the end of the first period of extra time.

  The referee signals the start of the second period of extra time.
  45’42” Brazil sees their effort hit the target.
  45’42” Brazil take a corner kick.
  45’43” A shot is blocked by the goalkeeper of Spain.
  47’51” Brazil sees an effort go off target.
  48’40” Spain sees an effort go off target.
  48’55” Brazil mit a foul.
  49’43” Spain swing in the corner.
  49’45” Spain sees an effort go off target.

  The referee blows for the end of the second period of extra time.
  The penalty shoot-out is about to begin.

  MARQUINHO (Brazil) suessfully converts the penalty!

  KIKE (Spain) suessfully converts the penalty!

  WILDE (Brazil) suessfully converts the penalty!

  ORTIZ (Spain) suessfully converts the penalty!

  CI?O (Brazil) suessfully converts the penalty!

  TORRAS (Spain) sees his penalty saved by the goalkeeper.

  LENíSIO (Brazil) suessfully converts the penalty!

  ALVARO (Spain) suessfully converts the penalty!

  ARI (Brazil) sees his penalty saved by the goalkeeper.

  MARCELO (Spain) sees his penalty saved by the goalkeeper.
  The penalty shoot-out is over.

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