randy orton-randy名字的意义

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本文由体育爱好者Tina Leonard投稿,除了,我们还提供了randy orton现状,randyorton什么意思,randy orton出场音乐,希望本文能为您找到想要的体育资讯。


WWE兰迪奥顿被揍出血 回归后有没有复仇?

你是说对Brock Lesnar(布洛克·莱斯纳)么?按照主线电视里来说的话,没有,他和Brock Lesnar(布洛克·莱斯纳)在SummerSlam 2016(夏日狂潮)后就没有交集了,Randy Orton(兰迪·奥顿)此后加入了The Wyatt Family(怀亚特家族),还在前不久夺得过WWE SmackDown双打冠军头衔,不过在上周的SmackDown上将腰带又输给了American Alpha(美国阿尔法),而Brock Lesnar(布洛克·莱斯纳)后来则开始和回归的Goldberg(高柏)发展剧情,2人也确定将参加今年的Royal Rumble 2017(皇家大战)的30人大战~
不过Randy Orton(兰迪·奥顿)其实在去年9月24日的芝加哥现场赛事中有和Brock Lesnar(布洛克·莱斯纳)打了一场重赛,最终Randy Orton(兰迪·奥顿)还是输掉了比赛,不过那毕竟是现场赛事,并不影响主线电视剧情发展~


选手名:Randy “The Legend Killer” Orton——兰迪“传奇杀手”奥顿 兰迪奥顿
真实姓名:Randal “Randy” Keith Orton

wwe的cena和randy Orton什么时候组合的?

它们不是组合 只不过在8月17号的RAW中 当场的特别主持人临时GM Freddie Prinze Jr 安排了一场他们俩 对世界 wwe双料双人组冠军 Y2J 和BIG SHOW 的一场双打比赛



I hear voices in my head
They e to me
They understand
They talk to me
You got your rules and your religion
All designed to keep you safe
But when rules start getting broken
You start questioning your faith
I have a voice that is my savior
Hates to love and Loves to hate
I have a voice that has knowledge
And the power to rule your fate
I hear voices crying
I see heroes dying
I taste blood thats drying
I feel tension rising
I hear voices in my head
They e to me
They understand
They talk to me
They talk to me
They tell me things
that I will do
They show me things
I’ll do to you
They talk to me
They talk to me
All the lawyers are defenseless
All the doctors are diseased
And the preachers all are sinners
And police just take the grease
All you judges you are guilty
All the bosses I will fire
All you bankers will have losses
And politicians are all liars
I see darkness falling
I hear voices calling
I feel justice crawling
I see faith has falleng
I hear voices in my head
They e to me
They understand
They talk to me
They talk to me
They tell me things
that I will do
They show me things
I’ll do to you
They talk to me
They talk to me
I hear voices crying
I see heroes dying
I taste blood thats drying
I feel tension rising
I hear voices in my head
They e to me
They understand
They talk to me
They talk to me
They tell me things
that I will do
They show me things
I’ll do to you
They talk to me
They talk to me
还有旧版的《bring in my light》


WWE冠军头衔的话,他是在07年10月份PPV大赛No Mercy 2007(毫不留情)上夺得的,当时WWE冠军John Cena(约翰塞纳)因为重伤,而必须叫出腰带,老板Vince McMahon(文斯麦克马洪)就认命Randy(兰迪)为新任冠军,不过当晚还是安排了一场Triple H(HHH)VS Randy Orton(兰迪奥尔顿)的比赛,也是Randy(兰迪)的首次WWE冠军保卫赛,最终他输掉比赛丢掉腰带,之后Vince McMahon(文斯麦克马洪)有荒唐的让Triple H(HHH)和Umaga(巫马加)进行了一次WWE冠军赛,虽然Triple H(HHH)再次击败了Umaga(巫马加),但Vince(文斯)却再让Randy(兰迪)和Triple H(HHH)打一场WWE冠军重赛,最终Randy(兰迪)击败了Triple H(HHH),第二次成为WWE冠军,他在一个晚上夺得了2次WWE冠军头衔~一开场Vince(文斯)就出来说话了~大概59分钟的时候就是Randy(兰迪)首次的WWE冠军保卫赛了~

HHH和Randy Orton翻脸那场比赛

Randy Orton第一次获得世界重量级冠军是在2004年8月15日的Summerslam上

当时Randy Orton打败了Chris Benoit

HHH和Randy Orton反目的那场是在随后的2004年8月16日的RAW上


这一期的RAW(2009 3月30日)有那场比赛的片段 在1小时19分15秒

HHH和Ric Flair上台扶起Randy Orton,Batista就在台下拉BNEOTI撞中steel steps!Batista冲回上台举起Randy Orton庆祝,HHH露出微笑对着Randy Orton,但忽然…HHH的笑容收起了!他忽然攻击Randy Orton,HHH几个重拳对付Randy Orton,Ric Flair和Batista也帮忙对付Randy Orton!

这时HHH拿到腰带并狠狠用腰带攻击中Randy Orton的头,Randy Orton马上头破血流!接着Batista站到Randy Orton的身前说:没有Evolution的你,什么都不是!HHH这时拉起Randy Orton放在Batista的脚中间,BATISA再用绝招——sit down power bomb!最后HHH再用绝招——Pedigree !然后对Randy Orton说:这条腰带应该是我的!

约翰.希纳(John Cena)与兰迪.奥顿(Randy Orton )私下是什么关系?在台上谁更强?


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