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最近很多客官老爷在寻找关于补习班用英语的解答,今天权编为大家四处寻觅10条解答来给大家重点解析! 有98%游戏控认为补习班用英语值得一读!



补习班 基本翻译 opportunity class 网络释义 补习班:cramming school|Summer School|cram school 成人补习班:Undeclared 挑逗补习班:School for Seduction


English cram /English classes


We can learn the lessons earlier than the others.So we can learn them more easily.And we can know more about the knowledge than the others.We can finish our homework more easily.And maybe we can learn some things that our school teachers wont tell us.And we can make some new friends,too.


remediation;?take lessons after school or work;?coaching


我说几句:首先,我们说的补课有两层意思: 1 补上没去上的课 也就是make up a missed lesson 2 在课外进行课程相关辅导,如家教一类,个人认为应该把着也补充上去: tutor sb. in ....after class 其中的...表示English,Chinese 等科目名称 不知道大家对我的看法有什么意见


need to take extra tutoring for English require/demand
(2选1) to take English lessons after school 翻译供参


Affirmative defense: I think the cram school is good
Reason: 1, the primary school students have the following advantages: first, we can meet our interests and hobbies, such as calligraphy class, dance class, etc.. Two, can make up for the lack of the school curriculum, increase our knowledge and aesthetic taste, is conducive to the overall development of the. Third, can let us have your friends during the holidays, we now have only one child, no brothers and sisters, so many time to us at home, watch TV, play puter, is not conducive to our physical and mental health.
2, I advocate that we should go to cram school students, but also the needs of modern society. We will not learn! Of course, the tutorial to be based on our needs, to be selective, we should not only make us happy, but also let us learn. Can not be said to our schools is spoil things by excessive enthusiasm! This requires that we have their own thoughts, make oneself in the cram school both growth of knowledge and many good friends. In such a relaxed and happy environment, and can let us learn from, why not do it?
3、一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴,我们应当从现在起就抓紧时间努力学习,充分利用自己的每一点时间,每一个机会(象补习班 努力拓宽自己的知识面,莫等闲白了少年头,空悲切!
3, an inch of time is an inch of gold, an inch of gold will not buy an inch of time, we should from now on, seize the time to study hard, make full use of every bit of their time, each a chance (CRAM) efforts to broaden their knowledge, Mo lightly juvenile white head, empty grievous!
4, as the saying goes, no pains, no gains. There is no royal road to,
There is no end for learning. suffering for the boat. Do not use spare time to learn a little more knowledge, how will the results be good? How the future bee the pillars of the motherland?
5, I said the cram school is appropriate to cram school, so that we can be physical and mental rest, let us keep pace with the times, now education are very advanced, heard in foreign countries, some children from 3 nominal age began to learn different skills, do we now cram school, learn different skills early??


Students are always looking forward to summer vacation. They consider summer vacation as the time of the year during which relaxing and having fun is the theme. When summer vacation actually arrives, however, I don’t think students will discover it as fun at all. Although it’s true that school is done by the time of summer vacation, but the students are not free at all: lessons of various skills and activities have filled their day and mountains of homework has buried their desk. Even if some lucky ones managed to escape from those prisons, they are still troubled with the problem of how to spend their time, for there aren’t many friends available to play with. As a result, while students are oupied with works they never wished for, diminished is the joy of childhood. 学生们总是盼望着暑假。他们认为暑假是一年当中放松和娱乐的时候。可是当暑假来临时,我不认为学生们会认为暑假是多么的有趣。的确,学校已经结束了,但是学生们还没有自由:各种补习班占据了他们的时间而小山一般多的作业则淹没了他们的书桌。就算有几个幸运的孩子可以从这些负担中逃脱出来,如何打发时间的问题却找上门来:因为没有几个朋友可以和他们一起玩。所以说,当学生们被那些讨厌的负担所困扰的时候,儿时的快乐却逐渐消失。


给你材料自己组织语言 孩子上辅导班的好处
8、它即可以帮助学生消化不懂得知识,也可以给学生一个很好的学习空间。 Shangfudaoban child benefits 1, is now very petitive, like the ability to learn much of an advantage. 2, and now most are improving cram in nature, can grasp the higher grades of knowledge, imrove academic performance is good for you. 3, there is a type of classes are specialty classes, such as: art, dance, piano ...... participated in this study may have the skills to keep fit. 4, in the study class, you can meet new partners, workshops can allow yourself to bee versatile. Then your munication on a wider range of. 5, the tutorial can make more knowledgeable in the exam can get a high score. 6, in the tutorial, you have the advantage that you can find some people who do not have in them, you can always ask them questions 7, cram is conducive to the creation, because it can open people's ideas, rich ideas. 8, it can help students that do not know how to digest the knowledge, you can also give students a good learning space.  孩子上辅导班的害处
3补习班上的内容和老师教的方法会和学校的老师有冲突,这样孩子会不只知道应该听哪边,学习成绩也可能会下降。 Shangfudaoban harm children A lot of kids on Saturday, seven to remedial classes. I think the students have learned a week, you should relax, e Sunday is Monday, is the beginning of one week, the weekend is to let our brain and body and nerve relaxation time, so that the brain will not rest, Moreover, there are weekend jobs. 2 on its own is not interested in the tutorial, so that students will be more exclusive, no interest, learning would be counterproductive, if they do not like to force their children to cram, he will see it as a task to do, rather than interest a. Content and methods taught on three cram school teacher and there will be a conflict, so that the child will not only know which side should listen to, academic may also decline.


1.上课(Beginning a class
(1 Let’s start now./Let’s begin our class/lesson.
(2 Stand up,please.
(3 Sit down,Pease. 2.问候(Greeting
(4 Hello,boys and girls/children.
(5 Good morning,class/everyone/everybody/children/boys and girls.
(6 Good afternoon,class/everyone/everybody/children/boys and girls.
(7 How are you today? 3.考勤(Checking attendance
(8 Who’s on duty today?/Who’s helping this morning/today?
(9 Is everyone/everybody here/present?
(10 Is anyone away?/Is anybody away?
(11 Is anyone absent?/Is anybody absent?
(12 Who’s absent?/Who’s away?
(13 Where is he/she?
(14 Try to be on time./Don’t be late next time.
(15 Go back to your seat,please.
(16 What day is it today?
(17 What’s the date today?
(18 What’s the weather like today?
(19 What’s it like outside? 5.评价 Good,thank you. Good/Very good./God job./Good work./Good example. A good answer./Nice work. Excellent./Great!/Well done./Very good./I like the way you That’s Interesting! Don’t worry about It./No problem. OK! That’s not quite right,any other answers?/That’s close/That’s almost right. 4.布置作业(Setting homework For today’s homework… Practise after class./Practise at home. Say it out loud,before you write It down. Copy/Print/Write each word twice. Remember(Memorize these words/sentences. Learn these words/these sentences/this text by heart. Do your homework./Do the next lesson./Do the new work. 下课(Dismissing the class Hand in your workbooks,please. Time is up. The bell is ringing. There’s the bell. There goes the bell. Let’s s here. That’s all for today. Class is over. Good bye./Bye./See you next time.

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