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最近很多妹纸们在搜求关于我好想你的英文的解答,今天牛编为大家网罗10条解答来给大家阐述! 有78%学生认为我好想你的英文_我好想你歌词含义值得一读!



我好想你了: I miss you ; I good thought you ; I think you had better 我好想你呀 :Baby I miss you 我真的好想你 :I miss you ; I miss you so bad ; Come back e back ; I really missing you 例句:我好想你,每日每夜,不管何时、不管何地、不管做什么! I?miss you?a lot.?Day?and?night,?whenever,?wherever,?whatever!


“我想你”英文除了I miss you.还可以说:
①I've been thinking of you every day and night. 我日夜思念你。
②There is nothing but you in my mind. 我心里除了你什么都没有。
③I yearn much toward my friends. 我好想念你。
④My heart ached for you. 我心里一直惦记你。
⑤I sighed for you. 我非常想念你。
①I am longing for you all the time. 我每时每刻都在思念着你。
②I am dearly cherish the memory of you. 我深切地想念你。
③I am languished for the sight of you. 我苦苦地渴望见到你。


I miss you.


i really miss you very much


英文翻译为I miss you.
1、I 英 ? ?美 ?? pron.我;个人;利己主义者。
2、miss 英 ? ?美 ?? n.女士;(用于姓名或姓之前,对未婚女子的称呼 小姐;失误。 v.思念;漏掉;错过;没遇到。
3、you 英 ? ?美 ?? pron.你;大家;你们。 例句:
1、When?a?girl?syas?I?miss?you,?no?one?in?this?world?can?miss?you?more?thanthat.? 当女人说我想你时,在这世上没有人比她更想你了。
2、I?really?didnt?know?your?empty?place?would?be?so?burdensome.?I?miss?you. 我从来都不知道你那空旷的地方可以那么沉重,我想你了。
1、我也想你英文翻译为I?missed?you,?too.? 例句:Mother?F:?Honey,?I?miss?you,?too.?Let's?go?home.? 蛙妈妈说:亲爱的,我也想你。我们回家吧。
2、我爱你英文翻译为I love you. 例句:Women?in?the?North?plain?that?their?hubbies?find?it?difficult?to?say?'I?loveyou.'? 北部的妇女抱怨说她们的丈夫很难开口说“我爱你”。
3、我喜欢你英文翻译为I like you. 例句:I?like?you?now,?just?the?way?you?are.? 我现在就喜欢你,喜欢现在的你。




我好想你 - 唱:苏打绿 词:吴青峰 曲:吴青峰 专辑:《秋:故事》 下面为该歌曲翻译 Turned on the light at present So big lonely bed room Closed the lamp are all the same The in the mind of the injury can't share Along with the years flow to life Along with the white hair old As you go away happy lovers without notice Over the past fade away With a dream to sleep With paralysis of the heart gradually away I think you good think you Does not reveal himself I also stand on his feet I also served as the memory overhead I also shed tears with his eyes closed I still pretend doesn't matter I think you good think you But to deceive oneself Turned on the light at present So big lonely bed room Closed the lamp are all the same The in the mind of the injury can't share Along with the years flow to life Along with the white hair old As you go away happy lovers without notice Over the past fade away With a dream to sleep With paralysis of the heart gradually away I think you good think you Does not reveal himself I tiptoe also miss I also served as the memory overhead I also shed tears with his eyes closed I still pretend doesn't matter I think you good think you But to deceive oneself I think you good think you It as a secret I think you good think you Is hidden deep in heart


Really Miss You;Miss You So Much,网上搜的,我也不知对不对,因为本人英语差?


my wife ,i miss you so much !


翻译:I miss you 读音:miss:英???美?? 释义:

  • n. 女士,小姐,年轻未婚女子
  • vt. 错过,想念,缺(勤 作动词时:
  • 未击中;未抓住: The batter missed the ball. 击球员未击中球。
  • 没找到,没遇到: She went to the station to meet her husband, but missed. 她到车站接丈夫,可是人群中没有见到他。
  • 失约;缺勤;缺课;未出席: She's missed school two days this week. 本周她缺课两天。
  • 未得到;未获得: to miss a gold medal 未得金牌
  • 错过,失却: I don't want to miss seeing that film on television tonight. 我不想错过今晚在电视上看那部影片的机会。 短语:
  • a luck miss :幸免于难,侥幸逃脱
  • A miss is as good as a mile.错误再小,总归是错误。失败再小,总归是失败。(或者是死里逃生总是生。
  • not miss much :保持警惕
  • there is no miss of :无需…也行,缺了…也不可惜
  • a saucy miss :毛头姑娘
  • bread-and-butter miss: 不懂事故的小妞儿,天真无邪的小姑娘
  • school miss:女学生 例子:
    1. I've?missed you, ?she?said.(“我想你了,”她说。
    2. The?email?arrived?after?I'd?returned to?the United States: How are you?I?miss you?Mam.(我回到美国后收到了电子邮件:“你好,女士,我想你了。
    3. I miss you today. I know we can't be together. Remembering the wonderful yesterday we had, hoping for more wonderful tomorrow, that's how I see the passage of time.(今天我想你了。我知道我们无法在一起。回忆着我们曾有过的美好的昨天,希冀着更多精彩的明天,这就是我看时间流逝的方式。
    4. I?miss you,?but I?do not?know?where I?can?find?you. (我想你了,却不知道去哪里才能找到你。
    5. Phone?your?family?regularly?and?tell?them:Hi,?I?was?thinking?of?you.(经常打电话给你的家人告诉他们:嘿,我想你了。

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