
比赛直播 2022-11-30 14:45www.1689878.com世界杯比赛

Technologies Used at the Beijing Olympics

As the Winter Olympic Games continue in China, here are some of the different technologies being used in Beijing.


A series of different kinds of robots have been deployed to assist visitors and athletes.

Some machines are being used to enforce social distancing requirements related to COVID-19.

Robots are also transporting equipment, cleaning surfaces and preparing and carrying food to limit human-to-human contact. "Smart" waste containers are also being used, as well as machines that can make and serve alcoholic drinks and coffee.

deploy:v. 部署,调度;利用

social distance:社交距离

alcoholic:adj. 酒精的,含酒精的;酒精中毒的,酗酒的;喝酒引起的,由酒精引起的

n. 酗酒者,酒鬼

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