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八下英语知识点归纳unit 1


1. have a stomachache 胃痛 11. agree to do sth 同意干某事

2. have a cold 感冒 12. get into trouble 陷入麻烦

3. have a sore throat 喉咙痛 13. fall down 摔倒

4. lie down 躺下 14. be used to doing sth 习惯于干某事

5. have a fever 发烧 15. take risks 冒险

6. go to a doctor 看医生 16. run out (of ) 用光,用尽

7. take one’s temperature量体温 17. cut off 切除

8.take breaks 休息 18. get out of 离开,从……出来

9.get off 下车 19. be in control of 管理,掌 管

10. to one’s surprise 使……惊讶的 20. give up 放弃


1. lie a.作 v. 说谎. 常用短语:lie to sb 对某人说谎

b.作n. 谎言,假话。 tell(sb.)a lie (对某人)说谎

2. trouble n.. 问题,苦恼 have trouble(with)sth (做某事)有困难

have(no)trouble doing sth 做某事(没)有困难

3. 反身代词:用于指动作返回到执行者本身或用来加强语气。

包括:myself yourself himself itself ourselves yourselves themselves

eg : You should do it by yourself .

4. 区别:need to do sth “需要做…” 表主动,主语通常为人。Eg:I need to go there .

need doing sth “需要(被)做” 相当于need to be done ,主语通常为物

eg:My hair needs cutting =My hair needs to be cut.

5. I think I sat in the same way for too long without moving.

in the same way “同样,以相同的方式”

without prep “无,没有” 后接 n / pron/ v-ing

eg: He has a house without a garden .

6.区别:see sb .doing sth 表示“看见某人正在干某事” 强调动作正在进行

eg: I saw you playing soer when I came to school.

see sb do sth 表示“看见某人做过某事” 强调动作发生的全过程或经常性动作。

eg; I often saw the cat climb the tree .

7. to one’s surprise 意为“使….惊讶;出乎….意料” 位于句首用逗号隔开

eg: To my surprise ,the door was unlocked.

in surprise 意为“惊奇地,吃惊地” eg:they all looked at me in surprised.

be surprised at 意为“对….感到惊讶” eg: We are all surprised at the result.

8. thanks to 介词短语 意为“幸亏,由于,因为” 在句中作原因状语

eg: Thanks to the soldiers(士兵),these children were saved .

9. in time “及时,来得及” 指时间在规定的时间内或提前发生

eg: Can you finish this painting in time ?

on time “准时” 指事件发生于指定时间,不早也不晚

eg:The train arrived in WuHan on time.

10. 辨析:think about “思考,考虑,” think of “考虑,想起”

think over “仔细考虑” 强调反复,仔细地考虑。

Eg:Please__________ what I said .

I couldn’t __________ her name when I saw her in the street.

Please______ it______ ,and then answer me .

11. spirit n .

意为 “勇气;意志”时,是不可数n. eg:Show a little fighting spirit (斗志).

12. death n ,意为“死,死亡”。 die v . 强调“死“那一瞬间的动作

dead adj , 意为“死的,死亡的”强调“死”的状态。

eg: He was happy to the day of his ______.

His grandpa ________ yesterday morning .

He has been ________ for two years.

13.interested adj. 感兴趣的 主语常为人,常用结构be interested in 对….感兴趣

interesting adj . 令人感兴趣的 主语常为物。 interest n . / v 兴趣;使兴趣

14. be used to sth /doing sth “习惯于…,,适应于…” Eg: I am used to the bad weather .

used to do sth “过去干….” Eg :He used to get up late .

15.because“因为”,后接原因状语从句 eg:He feels hungry now because he didn’t have breakfast.

because of “由于,因为” 后接 名词、代词、动名词 eg:because of the rian ,I didn’t go home.

16. 用尽 ,耗尽

run out 主语通常为物 eg: Our money has run out .

run out of 主语通常为人 eg : We have run out of our money.

17,be ready to do sth 意为“准备好干某事”=get ready to do sth

Eg : He was not ready to die that day .

18.too much “太多的” 一般修饰不可数名词。 Eg : Don’t eat too much meat.

much too “太;非常” 一般修饰形容词或副词。Eg: It’s too much hot today.

19.same adj. 意为“相同的”

固定搭配:the same (…)as…与…同样(的)…

be different from 与….不同

eg : He’s angry because my marks(分数)

20.happen “偶然发生,碰巧发生” 多指不好的事情发生

take place “发生” 指有计划的发生,两者都不能用于被动语态。

21.expect v. “盼望;期望”

相关用法expect to do sth 盼望干某事 expect sb to do sth 盼望某人干某事 expect that 从句

Eg : He expects to win the prize.

I don’t expect him to buy me a present.

She expects (that) the plane can take off on tine.


other 常用来修饰可数名词复数。the other 表已知的两个人或事物中,特指“另一个”或“另一些”,其后跟名词。 others用于已知的一些人或物中,除去某些后余下的人或物中的一部分,=other 可数名词复数。the other 指一定范围内除去一个或一部分后,“余下的人或物的全部”=the other 可数n复数

eg:Mr.Hu and three other teachers are there.

eg :I have two books. One is about English and the other is about history.

eg : The student of Class Four are cleaning the classroom. Some are carrying water ,others are sweeping the floor.


(一) 情态动词should 的用法:本单元的重点语法之一是提建议的方法,主要学习情态动词should“应该”的用法,其否定形式为“shouldn’t (不应该)”。Should的常见用法有:

1. 用于提出建议,表达职责与义务或提出劝告,should 意为“应该”

Eg :We should obey (遵守)the school rules.

You shouldn’t do that .

2. 用于征求对方的意见,should表示”应当;应该”此时,一般用于第一人称的一般疑问句或特殊疑问句。

Eg :Should I help you clean the bedroom.

What should we do for them?

3. 用于表示发生的可能性,表示“可能,应该会”。

Eg:: They should arrive soon.

(二) 反身代词

1. 反身代词的构成:






myself 我自己


Himself他自己 herself 她自己



ourself 我们自己





eg: He teaches himself drawing after school.

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