pause什么意思(台风“烟花”来了 浙沪多项措施应

比赛直播 2022-11-30 14:45www.1689878.com世界杯比赛




Typhoon In-Fa, the sixth this year, made landfall in Zhoushan, Zhejiang province, at around 12:30 pm on Sunday, packing winds of up to 38 meters per second at its center.7月25日12时30分前后,今年第6号台风“烟花”登陆浙江省舟山,中心最大风速38米/秒。


英文中描述台风“登陆”的表达为make landfall,而台风“减弱为热带风暴”则通常用weaken to tropical storm表示。

其实,热带风暴和台风其实都属于热带气旋(tropical cyclone)。


热带气旋中心附近最大平均风力小于8级,即风速小于17.2米每秒,为热带低压(tropical depression);

最大风力在8-9级,风速在17.2米/秒-24.4米/秒的称为热带风暴(tropical storm);

最大风力为10-11级,即风速在24.5米/秒-32.6米/秒者,称为强热带风暴(severe tropical storm);


关于风暴,我们经常听到3个意思相近的词:tornado、typhoon、hurricane。Tornado即龙卷风,主要发生在陆地上。Typhoon和hurricane其实是一回事,都是tropical cyclone(热带气旋),只是飓风名称的使用多在北大西洋及东太平洋,所以我们经常听到美国发生飓风,如2005年著名的Hurricane Katrina(卡特里娜飓风);而北太平洋西部使用的词是typhoon,于是我国就习惯称台风。


Zhejiang had upgraded its emergency response to Level I, the highest level, starting at noon on Saturday, the provincial emergency management department said.浙江省应急管理厅表示,7月24日中午起,浙江全省提升防台风应急响应至Ⅰ级。

Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport canceled all flights in and out of Hangzhou on Sunday, with more expected to be canceled on Monday. Local traffic authorities also closed off or imposed traffic flow restrictions on all expressways in Zhejiang.7月25日,杭州萧山国际机场所有进出港航班取消,26日的航班也有大幅取消。浙江省内所有高速公路也采取关闭或限流措施。

Over 1.1 million residents in the province had been relocated to safer places by Saturday night, aording to Zhejiang Daily.据《浙江日报》报道,截至7月24日夜间,浙江省已有110多万居民被转移至安全地点。



In neighboring Shanghai, the municipal railway authority announced on Sunday that all trains bound for Shanghai from Beijing South Railway Station were suspended starting at 1:30 pm. All high-speed trains bound for Shanghai from all directions had been suspended beginning at 7 pm on Sunday.铁路部门决定,7月25日13时30分后,北京南至上海方向列车停运。7月25日19时起,进出上海高铁列车全部停运。


说到“暂停”,我们可能立即会想到pause这个词,不过,在具体使用的时候,pause更偏重“短时间暂停(后继续进行某事)”的意思,比如:He talked for two hours without pausing for breath.(他说了两个小时的话,都没有停下来喘口气。)On leaving, she paused for a moment at the door.(离开的时候,她在门口停顿了一下。)动词suspend及其名词suspension多指“把事情停下来一阵子(直到有后续的决策)”,比如:Tour groups were suspended because of the epidemic.(由于疫情原因,团队游被暂时叫停了。)这里的“暂停”一般会持续一段时间,直到形势变化允许这件事能继续进行。

All passenger flights at Shanghai's two airports were canceled on Sunday, aording to the Shanghai Airport Authority.上海机场管理部门表示,7月25日全天,上海浦东机场和虹桥机场,所有客运进出港航班取消。


In addition, the municipality's subway operator announced that all sections of line running above ground and on elevated tracks had been suspended since Sunday afternoon to ensure safety.此外,上海地铁运营部门宣布,7月25日下午起,上海地铁所有地面、高架区段车站停运。

Also since Sunday afternoon, service of all buses crossing bridges over the Huangpu River had been suspended. Large passenger buses and large trucks had been banned from taking the Shanghai Yangtze River Bridge connecting Chongming Island with downtown Shanghai.同时自7月25日下午起,所有经过黄浦江上各处桥梁的公交暂停运营,禁止大型客运公交及卡车驶入上海长江大桥。上海长江大桥连接上海市区和崇明岛。

As of 2 pm Sunday, nearly 130 tourists spots in Shanghai, including the Shanghai Disney Resort, the Oriental Pearl Tower, and the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum, had closed over safety concerns.截至7月25日下午2点,上海迪士尼乐园、东方明珠塔以及上海科技馆等近130个旅游景点因安全原因关闭。



typhoon 台风

high wind 狂风

tropical cyclone 热带气旋

tropical depression 热带低压

eye 风眼

heavy rain 大雨、暴雨

torrential rain 倾盆大雨

storm track 风暴路径

orange alert 橙色预警

red alert 红色预警

safety precaution 安全预防措施

tropical storm 热带风暴

ebb away 衰退,渐逝

power line 输电线

warning system 报警系统

traffic safety 交通(行车)安全

early warning 早期预警

densely-populated 人口密集的

evacuation 撤离、疏散

coastal areas 沿海地区

direct economic loss 直接经济损失

emergency response plan 应急预案

breached dike 决口堤岸

landslide 滑坡

mudslide 泥石流

transport infrastructure 交通基本设施

sea dyke 海堤

spill of toxic chemicals 有毒化学品泄漏

container storage area 集装箱储放区

high wave 狂浪

development zone 开发区

border protection troops 边防支队

provincial meteorological observatory 省级气象台

precipitation level 降雨量

skirt 绕过

passenger liners 定期客船


(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)

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